
Deutsch - Englisch


  Entries 110300 to 110400

Was gibt es Neues?What's the news?
Was haben Sie auf dem Herzen?What's on your mind?
Was halten Sie davon?How does it strike you?
Was halten Sie davon?What do you make of it?
Was halten Sie vom Wetter?What does the weather look like to you?
Was hältst du davon?How do you feel about this?
Was hast du nun angestellt?What have you been up to?
Was hast du nun angestellt?What have you done?
Was hat das zu bedeuten?What does this portend?
Was hat es damit auf sich?What's it all about?
Was hat Sie dazu bewogen?What induced you to do that?
Was ich auch immer tun mag ...Whatever I might do ...
Was ich noch sagen wollte ...Come to think of it ...
Was ist daraus geworden?What has become of it?
Was ist das?What's this?
Was ist dein Job?What racket are you in?
Was ist denn schon wieder los?What's the matter now?
Was ist der Anlass?What's the occasion?
Was ist die allgemeine Meinung?What's the consensus?
Was ist für heute vorgesehen?What are the plans for today?
Was ist für heute vorgesehen?What's on the agenda today?
Was ist Ihre Ansicht?What's your opinion?
Was ist los mit dir?What has come over you?
Was ist los mit dir?What's wrong with you?
Was ist (denn) los?What's the matter?
Was ist los in Berlin?What's on in Berlin?
Was ist los?What's the pitch?
Was ist los?What's the trouble?
Was ist los?What's up? Sup? [coll.]
Was ist (mit) Ihnen?What's the matter with you?
Was ist mit ihr? [ugs.]What's up with her?
Was ist in dich gefahren?What's gotten into you?
Was ist schon dabei?What of it!
Was kann man noch tun?What remains to be done?
Was kostet das?How much does it cost? What does it cost? How much is it?
Was kostet die Fahrt?What's the fare?
Was machen Sie hauptberuflich?What's your main job?
Was macht das schon aus!what's the difference!
Was macht es schon aus?What's the odds?
Was mag er sich wohl gedacht haben?What may he have imagined?
Was man nicht im Kopf hat, hat man in den Beinen.Those who can't use their head must use their back.
Was man sich eingebrockt hat, das muss man auch auslöffeln.You've made your bed, now you must lie in it.
Was man wünscht, glaubt man gern.We believe what we wish to believe.
Was meinen Sie dazu?What is your opinion?
Was nicht ist, kann noch werden.Your day may come.
Was nun?What next?
Was nur der Grund sein mag?I wonder what the reason may be.
Was nützt das schon?What's the use anyhow?
Was nützt es?Of what avail is it?
Was sein Aussehen angeht ...When it comes to looks ...
Was sie sagt, ist ganz vernünftig.There's some sense in what she says.
Was soll damit geschehen?What's to be done with it?
Was soll das?What's the point of that?
Was soll das bedeuten?What does that mean?
Was soll das bedeuten?How now?
Was soll das bezwecken?What is the point of that?
Was soll das bezwecken?What is that supposed to achieve?
Was soll das heißen?What's the meaning of this?
Was soll das kosten?What's it going to cost?
Was soll der Unsinn?What's all this good for?
Was soll es sein?What would you like?
Was darf es sein?What would you like?
Was sonst noch?What next?
Was steckt dahinter?What's behind all this?
Was steht für heute auf dem Programm?What's on the schedule for today?
Was steht für heute Abend auf dem Programm?What's on tonight?
Was war das für ein Geräusch?What was that noise?
Was willst du damit bezwecken?What do you expect to achieve by that?
Was willst du denn?Whatever do you want?
Was wird deiner Vorhersage nach geschehen?What do you prophesy will happen?
Was wollen Sie damit sagen?What do you mean by this?
Was zum Kuckuck soll das heißen?What the heck do you mean?
Was verstehen Sie darunter?What do you mean by this?
Weg damit!Hence with it!
Wegen Betriebsferien geschlossen.Closed for annual holidays.
Wehe!Don't you dare!
Weiß der Henker!Fuck knows!
Weiß setzt in zwei Zügen matt.White mates in two.
Weiter im Programm!On with the show!
Weitere Vorkommnisse müssen vermieden werden.Further occurrences must be avoided.
Weitergehen!Keep moving!
Welch ein Zufall!What a coincidence!
Welch ein Gegensatz!What a contrast!
Welch traurige Geschichte!How sad a fate!
Welche Farbe hat es?What colour is it?
Welche Größe haben Sie?What size do you take?
Welcher Arzt hat sie behandelt?Which doctor attended you?
Wem erzählen Sie das!You are telling me!
Wem nützt das schon!What's the use anyhow!
Wen anders sollte ich treffen als ...Whom should I meet but ...
Wen kümmert es?Who cares?
Wenden Sie sich an den Fachhandel!Contact your local dealer!
Wenden Sie sich bitte an ...Please refer to ...
Wenn Not am Mann ist ...If worst comes to worst ...
Wenn Sie nichts dagegen haben ...If you don't object ...
Wenn alle Stränge reißen ...If all else fails ...
Wenn alle Stricke reißen ...When worse comes to worse ...
Wenn alles gut geht.If everything goes well ...
Wenn du Wert auf meine Meinung legst ...If you value my opinion ...
Wenn du das glaubst, irrst du dich.You're mistaken in believing that.
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