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  Entries 113600 to 113700

Kubaralle {f} [ornith.]Zapata rail
Braunkappenralle {f} [ornith.]Rufous-necked Wood Rail
Cayenneralle {f} [ornith.]Grey-necked Wood Rail
Rotflügelralle {f} [ornith.]Red-winged Wood Rail
Mangroveralle {f} [ornith.]Chestnut-bellied Rail
Einfarbralle {f} [ornith.]Uniform Crake
Küstenralle {f} [ornith.]Little Wood Rail
Rostschwingenralle {f} [ornith.]Bare-eyed Rail
Rosenbergralle {f} [ornith.]Bald-faced Rail
Saracuraralle {f} [ornith.]Slaty-breasted Wood Rail
Esmeraldasralle {f} [ornith.]Brown Wood Rail
Ypecaharalle {f} [ornith.]Giant Wood Rail
Amerikanisches Bläßhuhn {n} [ornith.]American Coot
Gelbschnabel-Bläßhuhn {n} [ornith.]Red-gartered Coot
Karibenbläßhuhn {n} [ornith.]Caribbean Coot
Rüsselbläßhuhn {n} [ornith.]Horned Coot
Kammbläßhuhn {n} [ornith.]Red-knobbed Coot
Riesenbläßhuhn {n} [ornith.]Giant Coot
Weißflügel-Bläßhuhn {n} [ornith.]White-winged Coot
Rotstirn-Bläßhuhn {n} [ornith.]Red-fronted Coot
Wasserhahn {m} [ornith.]Water Cock
Zwergteichhuhn {n} [ornith.]Lesser Moorhen
Azursultanshuhn {n} [ornith.]Azure Gallinule
Zwergsultanshuhn {n} [ornith.]American Purple Gallinule
Maskenpfuhlhuhn {n} [ornith.]Spot-flanked Gallinule
Grünfuß-Pfuhlhuhn {n} [ornith.]Tasmanian Native Hen
Tristanteichhuhn {n} [ornith.]Gough Is Coot
Samoapfuhlhuhn {n} [ornith.]Samoan Wood Rail
Blaustirn-Pfuhlhuhn {n} [ornith.]San Cristobal Mountain Rail
Papuateichhuhn {n} [ornith.]Dusky Moorhen
Rotfuß-Pfuhlhuhn {n} [ornith.]Black-tailed Native Hen
Wekaralle {f} [ornith.]Weka Rail
Rotfußralle {f} [ornith.]Nkulengu Rail
Weißkehlralle {f} [ornith.]White-throated Crake
Amazonasralle {f} [ornith.]Grey-breasted Crake
Streifenbauchralle {f} [ornith.]Black-banded Crake
Schieferralle {f} [ornith.]American Black Crake
Weißbrustralle {f} [ornith.]Red & White Crake
Venezuelaralle {f} [ornith.]Rusty-flanked Crake
Rothalsralle {f} [ornith.]Rufous-sided Crake
Rubinralle {f} [ornith.]Ruddy Crake
Galapagosralle {f} [ornith.]Galapagos Rail
Indioralle {f} [ornith.]Russet-crowned Crake
Rotgesichtralle {f} [ornith.]Rufous-faced Crake
Takahe {f} [ornith.]Takahe
Tuamotusumpfhuhn {n} [ornith.]Henderson Island Crake
Carolinasumpfhuhn {n} [ornith.]Sora Crake
Weißbrauen-Sumpfhuhn {n} [ornith.]White-browed Rail
Kolumbiensumpfhuhn {n} [ornith.]Columbian Crake
Steppensumpfhuhn {n} [ornith.]African Crake
Goldschnabel-Sumpfhuhn {n} [ornith.]Paint-billed Crake
Mohrensumpfhuhn {n} [ornith.]African Black Crake
Gelbbrust-Sumpfhuhn {n} [ornith.]Yellow-breasted Crake
Flußsumpfhuhn {n} [ornith.]Australian Spotted Crake
Zimtsumpfhuhn {n} [ornith.]Ruddy-breasted Crake
Graukehl-Sumpfhuhn {n} [ornith.]Striped Crake
Malegassensumpfhuhn {n} [ornith.]Olivier's Rail
Fleckensumpfhuhn {n} [ornith.]Dot-winged Crake
Südsee-Sumpfhuhn {n} [ornith.]Sooty Crake
Andamanenralle {f} [ornith.]Andaman Banded Crake
Rotmaskenralle {f} [ornith.]Chestnut-headed Crake
Hinduralle {f} [ornith.]Banded Crake
Malaienralle {f} [ornith.]Red-legged Crake
Nymphenralle {f} [ornith.]Forbes' Chestnut Rail
Strichelralle {f} [ornith.]White-striped Chestnut Rail
Zyklopenralle {f} [ornith.]Mayr's Chestnut Rail
Mandarinsumpfhuhn {n} [ornith.]Band-bellied Crake
Kastanienralle {f} [ornith.]New Guinea Chestnut Rail
Dreifarbenralle {f} [ornith.]Red-necked Crake
Magellanralle {f} [ornith.]Austral Rail
Kapralle {f} [ornith.]Kaffir Rail
Bartralle {f} [ornith.]New Britain Rail
Pelzralle {f} [ornith.]New Caledonian Wood Rail
Virginiaralle {f} [ornith.]Virginia Rail
Klapperralle {f} [ornith.]Clapper Rail
Fleckenralle {f} [ornith.]Spotted Rail
Madagaskarralle {f} [ornith.]Madagascar Rail
Trauerralle {f} [ornith.]Blackish Rail
Okinawaralle {f} [ornith.]Okinawa Rail
Guamralle {f} [ornith.]Guam Rail
Krickralle {f} [ornith.]Slate-breasted Rail
Bindenralle {f} [ornith.]Buff-banded Rail
Schnarchralle {f} [ornith.]Platen's Rail
Fidschiralle {f} [ornith.]Barred Wing Rail
Grauralle {f} [ornith.]Plumbeous Rail
Bogotìralle {f} [ornith.]Bogota Rail
Graubrustralle {f} [ornith.]Blue-breasted Banded Rail
Waldralle {f} [ornith.]Lord Howe Wood Rail
Zebraralle {f} [ornith.]Barred Rail
Trommelralle {f} [ornith.]Wallace's rail
Wetmoreralle {f} [ornith.]Plain-flanked Rail
Rougetralle {f} [ornith.]Rouget's Rail
Maskenbinsenralle {f} [ornith.]Masked Finfoot
Zwergbinsenralle {f} [ornith.]American Finfoot
Binsenralle {f} [ornith.]Peters' Finfoot
Kagu {m} [ornith.]Kagu
Sonnenralle {f} [ornith.]Sun-Bittern
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