
Deutsch - Englisch


  Entries 122300 to 122400

Pelzalgen {pl} (Oedogonium)fuzz algae
Pfeilkraut {n} (Sagittaria spp.)arrowhead sag
Pinselalgen {pl} (Audouinella)brush algae
Riesenwasserfreund {m} (Hygrophila corymbosa)giant hygro
Schwimmender Wasserhornfarn {m} (Ceratopteris pteridiodes)water sprite
Tausendblatt {n} (Myriophyllum)water milfoil
Teichlebermoos {n} (Riccia fluitans)crystalwort
Teichlebermoos {n} (Riccia fluitans)floating liverwort
Thailand-Hakenlilie {f} (Crinum thaianum)onion bulb
Tigerlotus {m} (Nymphaea lotus)tiger lotus water lily
Unterwasserbanane {f} (Nymphoides aquatica)banana plant
Wasser-Haarnixe {f} (Cabomba)fanwort
Wasserkelche {f} (Cryptocoryne spp.)crypt
Wasserschlauch {m} (Utricularia)bladderwort
Wasser-Wistarie {f} (Hygrophila difformis)temple plant
Wasser-Wistarie {f} (Hygrophila difformis)water wistaria
wurzellose Zwerglinse {f} (Wolffia arrhiza)watermeal
Zwergteichrose {f} (Nuphar pumila)spatterdock
Abschöpfen {n} (eines Grönlandwals) bei der Nahrungsaufnahme [zool.]skimming (of a bowhead whale) during feeding
Aufschlagen {n} der Fluke (eines Wals) [zool.]lobtailing (of a whale)
Ausschauhalten {n} Herausstrecken des Kopfes (eines Wals) [zool.]spyhopping headrise (of a whale)
Blas {m} (eines Wals) [zool.]blow (of a whale) spout (of a whale)
Blasloch {n} (eines Wals oder Delfins) [zool.]blowhole (of a whale or a dolphin)
Bugwellenreiten {n} (eines Delfins) [zool.]bowriding (of a dolphin)
Drehsprung {m} eines Delfinsspinning of a dolphin
dunkler Fleck (eines Wals oder Delfins) [zool.]cape (of a whale or dolphin)
Fluken {n} (eines Wals vor dem Tauchen) [zool.]fluking (of a whale before diving)
Furchen {pl} (eines Furchenwals) [zool.]ventral pleats throat grooves throat pleats (of a rorqual)
Höcker {pl} Warzen {pl} (eines Wals) [zool.]humps tubercles (of a whale)
Klicken {n} Klicklaute {pl} (eines Wals oder Delfins) [zool.]clicking clicks (of a whale of dolphin)
Melone {f} Vorderkopf {m} (eines Delfins) [zool.]melon forehead (of a dolphin)
Winken {n} mit den Flossen Schlagen {n} auf das Wasser (eines Buckelwals) [zool.]pec-waving or pec-slapping (of a humpback whale)
Nahrungsaufnahme {f} durch Ansaugen [zool.]suction feeding
Nahrungsaufnahme {f} durch Herausfiltern (bei Bartenwalen) [zool.]filter feeding (of baleen whales)
Saltosprung {m} eines Delfinsspinning of a dolphin
Sattelfleck {m} (eines Schwertwals)saddle patch (of an orca)
Schlucken {n} (eines Wals) bei der Nahrungsaufnahme [zool.]gulping (of a whale) during feeding
Schnabel {m} Rostrum {n} (eines Delfins oder Schweinswals) [zool.]beak snout rostrum (of a whale or dolphin)
Segeln {n} Treibenlassen {n} (eines Wals) [zool.]sailing (of a whale)
Seekuh f) [zool.]sea cow manatee
Sirenen {pl} Manateen und Dugong Seekühe [zool.]sirenians manatees and dugong
Springen (eines Delfins oder Schweinswals)porpoising jumping (of a dolphin or porpoise)
Springen {n} (eines Wals oder Delfins) [zool.]leaping (of a whale or dolphin)
Springen {n} (eines Wals) [zool.]breaching (of a whale)
Bartenwale {pl} [zool.]baleen whales mysticetes
Cetaceen {pl} (Wale, Delfine und Schweinswale) [zool.]cetaceans (whales, dolphins, and porpoises)
Flussdelfine {pl} [zool.]river dolphins
Furchenwale {pl} [zool.]rorquals rorqual whales
Grindwale {pl} [zool.]pilot whales
Gründelwale {pl} [zool.]beluga and narwhal
Ozeandelfine {pl} [zool.]oceanic dolphins
Pottwale {pl} [zool.]sperm whales
Schnabelwale {pl} [zool.]beaked whales
Schweinswale {pl} [zool.]porpoises
Süsswasserdelfine {pl} [zool.]fresh water dolphins
Tümmler {pl} [zool.](some) dolphins (some) porpoises
Zahnwale {pl} [zool.]toothed whales odontocetes
Amazonas-Delfin {m} Amazonas-Flussdelfin {m} Boto Inia Bufeo Tonina Rosa-Delfin {m} Rosa-Flussdelfin {m} [zool.]Amazon river dolphin Boto Bufeo Tonina pink river dolphin (Inia geoffrensis)
Andrew-Schnabelwal {m} [zool.]Andrew's beaked whale Bowdoin's beaked whale deep-crest beaked whale splay-toothed beaked whale (Mesoplodon bowdoini)
Atlantischer Delfin {m} Kamerun-Delfin {m} Kamerun-Flussdelfin {m} [zool.]Atlantic humpback dolphin Atlantic humpbacked dolphin Cameroon dolphin (Sousa teuszii)
Atlantischer Fleckendelfin {m} Atlantischer gefleckter Delfin {m} Zügeldelfin {m} [zool.]spotted dolphin Atlantic spotted dolphin Gulf Stream spotted dolphin spotter spotted porpoise bridled dolphin long-snouted dolphin (Stenella frontalis)
Atlantischer Weissseitendelfin {m} Nordischer Delfin {m} Springer [zool.]Atlantic white-sided dolphin jumper springer lag North Atlantic dolphin (Lagenorhynchus acutus)
Baird-Schnabelwal {m} [zool.]Baird's beaked whale northern giant bottlenose whale North Pacific bottlenose whale giant four-toothed whale (Berardius bairdii)
Beluga Beluga-Wal Weisswal {m} Weisser Delfin {m} Meereskanarie Meereskanarienvogel [zool.]beluga whale beluga Belukha white whale sea canary (Delphinapterus leucas)
Blainvilles-Schnabelwal {m} [zool.]Blainville's beaked whale Atlantic beaked whale dense beaked whale tropical beaked whale (Mesoplodon densirostris)
Blauwal {m} Riesenwal {m} Grosser nördlicher Furchenwal {m} [zool.]blue whale great blue whale great northern rorqual Sibbald's rorqual sulphur bottom silver bottom (Balaenoptera musculus)
Breitschnabeldelfin {m} [zool.]melon-headed whale electra dolphin little killer whale many-toothed blackfish (Peponocephala electra)
Brillenschweinswal {m} [zool.]spectacled porpoise Australophocaena dioptrica
Brydewal {m} Tropischer Wal [zool.]Bryde's whale tropical whale (Balaenoptera edeni)
Buckelwal {m} Knurrwal {m} [zool.]humpback whale humpbacked whale hunchback whale hunchback bunch whale knucklehead (Megaptera novaeangliae)
Burmeister-Schweinswal {m} [zool.]Burmeister's porpoise black porpoise (Phocoena spinipinnis)
Chile-Delfin {m} [zool.]black dolphin Chilean dolphin Chilean black dolphin white-bellied dolphin (Cephalorhynchus eutropia)
Chinesischer Flussdelfin {m} Baiji Yangtze-Delfin {m} Yangtze-Flussdelfin {m} Beiji Pei C'hi Weisser Delfin {m} [zool.]Baiji Yangtze river dolphin Pei C'hi whitefin dolphin whiteflag dolphin Chinese river dolphin (Lipotes vexillifer)
Clymene-Delfin {m} Klymene-Delfin {m} Kurzschnauzen-Spinner-Delfin {m} Kurzschnauzen-Spinner [zool.]Clymene dolphin short-snouted spinner dolphin Senegal dolphin helmet dolphin (Stenella clymene)
Commerson-Delfin {m} Jacobiter {m} [zool.]Commerson's dolphin black-and-white dolphin sunk dolphin Piebald dolphin puffing pig (Cephalorhynchus commersonii)
Cuvier-Schnabelwal {m} [zool.]Cuvier's beaked whale Cuvier's whale goose-beaked whale goose-beak whale (Ziphius cavirostris)
Dall-Hafenschweinswal {m} Weissflankenschweinswal {m} [zool.]Dall's porpoise Dall's harbour porpoise white-flanked porpoise spray porpoise True's porpoise (Phocoenoides dalli)
Der weisse Wal [zool.]Moby Dick
Entenwal {m} [zool.]northern bottlenose whale North Atlantic bottlenose whale bottlehead steephead flathead (Hyperoodon ampullatus)
Finnwal {m} [zool.]fin whale Balaenoptera physalus
Finnwal {m} Finner {m} Gemeiner Furchenwal {m} [zool.]fin whale finner fin finfish finback razorback common rorqual herring whale (Balaenoptera physalus)
Fleckendelfin {m} Pantropischer Fleckendelfin {m} Schlankdelfin {m} [zool.]pantropical spotted dolphin white-spotted dolphin slender-beaked dolphin bridled dolphin spotter spotted porpoise (Stenella attenuata)
Ganges-Delfin {m} Ganges-Flussdelfin {m} Susu Blinder Flussdelfin {m} [zool.]Ganges river dolphin Susu gangetic dolphin blind river dolphin (Platanista gangetica)
Gemeiner Delfin {m} Gewöhnlicher Delfin {m} Unterarten: Kurzschnauzen Gemeiner Delfin {m} Langschnauzen Gemeiner Delfin {m} [zool.]common dolphin saddleback dolphin criss-cross dolphin hourglass dolphin cape dolphin white-bellied porpoise subspecies: short-beaked common dolphin long-beaked common dolphin (Delphinus delphis Delphinus capensis)
Gervais-Zweizahnwal {m} Gervais-Schnabelwal {m} [zool.]Gervais' beaked whale Gulf Stream beaked whale European beaked whale Antillean beaked whale (Mesoplodon europaeus)
Gewöhnlicher Grindwal {m} Schwarzwal {m} Langflossen-Grindwal {m} [zool.]long-finned pilot whale Atlantic pilot whale Caaing whale pothead blackfish (Globicephala melas)
Grauwal {m} Kalifornischer Grauwal {m} [zool.]gray whale grey whale Californian gray whale scrag whale mussel digger devilfish (Eschrichtius robustus)
Gray-Schnabelwal {m} [zool.]Gray's beaked whale scamperdown whale southern beaked whale (Mesoplodon grayi)
Grönlandwal {m} Polarwal {m} [zool.]bowhead whale polar whale great polar whale arctic whale arctic right whale Greenland whale Greenland right whale (Balaena mysticetus)
Großer Tümmler [zool.]bottlenose dolphin grey porpoise black porpoise cowfish common porpoise (Tursiops truncatus)
Heaviside-Delfin {m} Südafrikanischer Delfin {m} [zool.]Heaviside's dolphin South African dolphin Benguela dolphin (Cephalorhynchus heavisidii)
Hector-Delfin {m} [zool.]Hector's dolphin little pied dolphin New Zealand dolphin white-front dolphin (Cephalorhynchus hectori)
Hector-Schnabelwal {m} [zool.]Hector's beaked whale New Zealand beaked whale skew-beaked whale (Mesoplodon hectori)
Hubb-Schnabelwal {m} [zool.]Hubb's beaked whale arch-beaked whale (Mesoplodon carlhubbsi)
Indischer Grindwal {m} Schwarzwal {m} Kurzflossengrindwal {m} [zool.]short-finned pilot whale shortfin pilot whale pothead whale pacific pilot whale (Globicephala macrorhynchus)
Indischer Schweinswal {m} [zool.]finless porpoise black porpoise Jiangzhu (Neophocaena phocaenoides)
Indopazifischer Buckeldelfin {m} Chinesischer Buckeldelfin {m} [zool.]Indo-Pacific humpback dolphin speckled dolphin (Sousa chinensis)
Indopazifischer Schnabelwal {m} [zool.]Longman's beaked whale Pacific beaked whale Indo-Pacific beaked whale (Mesoplodon pacificus)
Indus-Delfin {m} Indus-Flussdelfin {m} Bhulan Susu Blinder Delfin {m} [zool.]Indus river dolphin Bhulan Indus susu blind river dolphin (Platanista minor)
Irrawaddy-Delfin {m} Irawadi-Delfin {m} [zool.]Irrawaddy dolphin snubfin dolphin (Orcaella brevirostris)
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