
Deutsch - Englisch


  Entries 14800 to 14900

Erbbaurecht {n} [agro.]emphyteusis
Erbbauzins {m}ground rent
Erbberechtigten {pl}the legal heirs
Erbanlage {f}genes genetic make-up genetic endowment
Erbanlage {f}hereditary disposition
Erbanspruch {m}hereditary title
Erbauer {m} | Erbauer {pl}constructor | constructors
Erbauer {m} | Erbauer {pl}erector | erectors
Erbe {m} | Erben {pl} Thronerben {pl} | rechtmäßiger Erbeheir | heirs | heir apparent
Erbe {n}inheritance
Erbe {m}inheritor
Erbfaktor {m} [biol.] | Erbfaktoren {pl}gene hereditary factor | genes
Erbfehler {m}hereditary defect
Erbfeind {m} | Erbfeinde {pl}hereditary enemy | hereditary enemies
Erbfolge {f}succession
Erbin {f} | Erbinnen {pl}heiress | heiresses
Erbin {f}inheritress
Erbitterung {f}exacerbation
Erbitterung {f} | Erbitterungen {pl}exasperation | exacerbations
Erbkrankheit {f}hereditary disease
Erblasser {m} | Erblasser {pl}testator | testators
Erblasserin {f} | Erblasserinnen {pl}testatrix | testatrixes
Erblichkeit {f} Heredität {f}heredity
Erblichkeit {f}heritability
Erblindung {f} Verblendung {f}blindness
Erbmasse {f} Genotyp {m} | Erbmassen {pl} Genotypen {pl}genotype | genotypes
Erbrecht {n}law of succession
Erbringung {f} einer Dienstleistungservice delivery
Erbschaft {f} Erbe {n} Tradition {f} | Erbschaften {pl}heritage | heritages
Erbschaft {f}inheritance
Erbschaftsteuer {f}death duty death duties
Erbschein {m} Erbnachweis {m}certificate of inheritance
Erbschleicher {m}legacy hunter
Erbse {f} | Erbsen {pl}pea | peas
Erbsensuppe {f} [cook.]pea soup
Erbsenzähler {m} Korinthenkacker {m} [ugs.]nitpicker
Erbstück {n}heirloom
Erbsünde {f}original sin
Erbteil {n} [jur.] | Erbteile {pl}inheritance portion of the inheritance | inheritances
Erbteil {n} Veranlagung {f}inherited trait
Erbteil {n}distributive share
Erdachse {f}axis of the earth
Erdantenne {f}ground aerial
Erdapfel {m} [Ös.] | Erdäpfel {pl} [Ös.]potato | potatoes
Erdarbeiten {pl}earth works
Erdatmosphäre {f} | Erdatmosphäre und Weltraumearth's atmosphere | aerospace
Erdbaumaschinen {pl}earth-moving-machinery
Erdbeben {n}earthquake temblor
Erdbebenherd {m}seismic focus
Erdbebenkunde {f}seismology
Erdbeerbaum {m}arbutus
Erdbeere {f} [bot.] | Erdbeeren {pl}strawberry | strawberries
Erdbeschleunigung {f}gravity force of gravity gravitational acceleration
Erdbewohner {m}inhabitant of the earth
Erdbewohner {m} | Erdbewohner {pl}terrestrial earthling | terrestrials earthlings
Erde {f} [astron.]Earth
Erde {f} Welt {f} | Erden {pl}earth | earths
Erde {f} [electr.]ground
jdn. unter die Erde bringento cause someone's death to cause someone to be buried
Erde zu Erdedust to dust
zu Erde werdento turn to dust
Erderanordnung {f} [electr.]grounding layout
Erderwärmung {f}global warming
Erdfahne {f} [electr.]earth lug
Erdgas {n}natural gas
Erdgeschoss {n} (EG) | Erdgeschosse {pl} | im Erdgeschossfirst floor [Am.] ground floor | first floors ground floors | on the first floor on the ground floor
Erdkeller {m}earth cellar
Erdkruste {f}earth's crust
Erdkugel {f}terrestrial globe
Erdmantel {m}earth's mantle
Erdnähe {f}perigee
Erdnuss {f} | Erdnüsse {pl}peanut | peanuts
Erdoberfläche {f}earth's surface surface of the earth
Erdöl {n}oil mineral oil petroleum
Erdrutsch {m} | Erdrutsche {pl}landslide landslip slip | landslips
Erdschluss {m}accidental ground
Erdschlussmelder {m}ground indicator
Erdschlussprüfer {m}ground detector
Erdschlussreaktanz {f}earthing reactor
Erdschwere {f}gravity force of gravity
Erdstoß {m}earth tremor
Erdstrom {m}earth current
Erdsystem {n}earth system
Erdumdrehung {f}rotation of the earth
Erdumfang {m}circumference of the earth
Erdumlaufbahn {f} eines Satelliten | in die Erdumlaufbahn schießen(earth) orbit | to send into orbit
Erdung {f} [electr.]grounding
Erdungseinrichtung {f} [electr.]earthing device
Erdungsbolzen {m}earth bolt
Erdungsdraht {m} [electr.]drain wire
Erdungsfestpunkt {m} Erdungslasche {f}ground clip
Erdungssteckverbinder {m} [electr.]earthing connector grounding connector
Erdungswinkel {m}grounding bracket ground strap
Erdurzeit {f} [geol.]Hadean
Erdvermessung {f} Geodäsie {f}geodesy
Erdverwehung {f} | Erdverwehungen {pl}soil drift | soil drifts
Erdwall {m} Erdhügel {m} Hügel {m} Aufschüttung {f}mound
Erdwall {m} | Erdwälle {pl}earth wall | earth walls
Erdwerk {n} Erdwall {m}earthwork
Ereignis {n} Vorkommnis {n} Vorfall {m} | Ereignisse {pl} Vorkommnisse {pl}occurrence | occurrences
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