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Amalgamierung {f}amalgamation
Amarant {m}amaranth
Amaryllis {f} Ritterstern {m} [bot.]amaryllis
Amateur {m} | Amateure {pl}amateur | amateurs
Amateurfunksatellit {m}orbiting satellite carrying amateur radio
Amazone {f} | Amazonen {pl}Amazon | Amazons
Amber {m} Ambra {f}ambergris
Ambiente {n} Atmosphäre {f}ambience atmosphere
Ambition {f} | Ambition {pl} | Ambitionen auf etw. habenambition | ambitions | to have ambitions of getting sth.
Amboss {m} Amboß {m} [alt]anvil
Ambulanz {f}ambulance outpatients' department out-patient care
Ameisenhaufen {m}anthill
Ameisenlarve {f}doodlebag [Am.]
Ameisensäure {f} [chem.]formic acid
Amethyst {m} [min.]amethyst
Ami {m}Yank
Amin {n} [chem.]amine
Aminosäure {f} [biochem.]amino acid
Aminotransferase {f} [biochem.]transaminase
Amme {f}(wet) nurse
Ammenmärchen {n}cock-and-bull story
Ammer {f} [ornith.]bunting
Ammoniak {n} [chem.]ammonia
Ammonium {n} [chem.]ammonium
Amnestie {f}amnesty
Amöbe {f} [biol.]amoeba ameba [Am.]
Amok {m} | Amok laufenamok | to run amok
Amokfahrt {f}mad drive
Amoklauf {m}crazed action killing spree
Amokläufer {m}person running amok
Amokschütze {m}mad gunman
Amor {m} | Amors BogenCupid | Cupid's bow
Amortisation {f}amortization
Ampel {f}hanging lamp
Ampel {f} Verkehrsampel {f} | rotes Licht 8an der ampel)traffic light traffic lights | stop light
Ampere {n} (A) | Milliampere {n}ampere amp (A) | microamp
Amperemeter {n}ammeter
Amperesekunde {f}ampere-second
Amperestunde {f}ampere hour ampere-hour
Amperewindungszahl {f}ampere-turn
Amperezahl {f}amperage
Amphetamin {n} [chem.]amphetamine
Amphibienfahrzeug {n}amphibian vehicle
Amphibienflugzeug {n}amphibian aircraft
Amphibienpanzer {m}amphibian tank
Amphipoden {pl} Amfipoden {pl} (z.B. Seeläuse)amphipods (e.g. sea lice)
Amphitheater {n}amphitheater [Am.] amphitheatre [Br.]
Amphore {f} | Amphoren {pl}amphora | amphorae
Amplitude {f} Schwingungsweite {f}amplitude
Amplitudenbegrenzerschaltung {f} [electr.]amplitude limiter circuit
Amplitudenfrequenzgang {m}amplitude frequency response
Amplitudenfrequenzgangkurve {f}amplitude-frequency response curve
Amplitudengang {f}amplitude characteristic frequency characteristic
Amplitudenmodulation {f}amplitude modulation
Amplitudenreserve {f}gain margin
Amplitudenspektrum {n}amplitude spectrum
Amplitudentastung {f}amplitude shift keying
Ampulle {f}ampoule
Ampullenverpackung {f}ampoule package
Amputation {f}amputation
Amsel {f} Schwarzdrossel {f} [ornith.] | Amseln {pl}blackbird | blackbirds
Amt {n} Dienst {m} Büro {n}office
Amt {n} (Dienststelle) | Ämter {pl} | ein Amt übernehmen | im Amt | von Amts wegen(administrative) office agency department | administrative bodies | to assume an office | in office | ex officio officially
Amt {n}post office duty function task
Amt {n} (Telefon)exchange
Amt {n}trunk
Amt {n} Dienst {m} Betrieb {m} Tätigkeit {f}commission
Amt {n} Anklage {f} Angriff {m}charge
amtlicher Zeitungsschreiber {m}gazetteer
Amtsantritt {m} | Amtsantritte {pl}assumption of office | assumptions of office
Amtsarzt {m} Amtsärztin {f}public health officer medical officer
Amtsbefugnis {f} Autorität {f} | Amtsbefugnisse {pl} Autoritäten {pl}authority | authorities
Amtsbefugnisse {f} Befugnis {f} Zuständigkeit {f}competence
Amtsbereich {m} | Amtsbereiche {pl}prelacy | prelacies
Amtsbezirk {m}administrative district
Amtsbezirk {m}bailiwick
Amtsblatt {n} | im Amtsblatt bekannt gebend (bekanntgebend [alt])official gazette official journal | gazetting
Amtsblatt der Europäischen GemeinschaftGazette of the European Community
Amtsbonus {m}advantage of incumbency
Amtsbruder {m} Mitarbeiter {m}colleague
Amtsdauer {f} Amtsperiode {f}term of office
Amtsdruckschriften {pl}government documents
Amtseid {m}oath of office
Amtseinsetzung {f}chaired
Amtseinführung {f}induction [Am.]
Amtseinsetzung {f}investiture
Amtseinsetzung {f}chairing
Amtsenthebung {f} Entlassung {f}dismissal
Amtsenthebung {f} Absetzung {f} Entthronung {f} | Amtsenthebungen {pl}deposition | depositions
Amtsenthebung {f} (eines Priesters)defrocking
Amtsenthebungsverfahren {n}impeachment proceedings impeachment
Amtsenthebungsverfahren {n}procedure for divestiture suspension proceedings
Amtsführung {f} Verwaltung {f}administration
Amtsgeheimnis {n}official secret
Amtsgebäude {n}municipal offices
Amtsgericht {n}county court local court
Amtsgeschäfte {pl}official duties
Amtshandlung {f}official act
Amtshilfe {f}administrative cooperation
Amtsinhaber {m} | Amtsinhaber {pl}incumbent | incumbents
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