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Homonym {m} | Homonyme {pl}homonym | homonyms
Homophobie {f} Angst vor Homosexualität/ Homosexuellenhomophobia
Homosexuelle {m,f} Homosexuellerhomosexual
Honahle {f}honing tool
Honen {n} [techn.]honing
Honleiste {f}honing stone retainer
Honöl {n}honing oil
Honstein {m}honing stone
Honig {m}honey
Honig ums Maul schmierento butter up
jdm. Honig um den Bart schmierento butter someone up
Honigbiene {f} | Honigbienen {pl}honey bee | honey bees
Honigwabe {f} Wabe {f}honeycomb
Honorant {m}acceptor for honor
Honorar {n} Gebühr {f} Lohn {m} | Honorare {pl} Kosten {pl} | Honorar zahlenfee | fees | to pay a fee
Honorar {n} Autorenhonorar {n}royalty
Honorar {n} | Honorare {pl}honorarium | honoraria
Honorarmitarbeiter {m}honorary co-worker
Hookesches GesetzHooke's law
Hooligan {m} Rowdy {m} | Hooligans {pl} Rowdys {pl}hooligan | hooligans
Hopfen {m} [bot.]hop hops
Horcher {m} | Horcher {pl}eavesdropper | eavesdroppers
Horchstelle {f} Abhörstation {f}communications intercept station
Horde {f} Schar {f}mob
Horde {f} | Horden {pl}horde | hordes
Hordentrockner {m}tray dryer
Horizont {m} | Horizonte {pl}horizon | horizons
Horizontalablenkplatte {f}x-plate
Horizontalsteuerung {f}horizontal governing
Horizontalverbände {pl}horizontal stiffening elements
Hormon {n} | Hormone {pl}hormone | hormones
Horn {n} [mus.] | Hörner {pl}horn | horns
Horn {n}horn
sich die Hörner abstoßen sich austobento sow one's wild oats
Hornblende {f}hornblende
Horner-Schema {n} [math.]Horner scheme
Hornfels {m}hornfels hornfelz
Hornhaut {f} [anat.]cornea
Hornhaut {f}horny skin
Hornist {m} [mus.] | Hornisten {pl} | Hornissen {pl}horn player | horn players | hornets
Hornist {m} [mil.] | Hornisten {pl}bugler | buglers
Hornsignal {n}blast on a horn
Hornsignal blasendbugling
Hornstein {m}chert
Hornstoff {m}keratin
Horoskop {n} | Horoskope {pl}horoscope | horoscopes
Horrorfilm {m}horror film
Horrorvideo {n}video nasty
Horst {m} Raubvogelnest {m} Adlerhorst {m}eyrie aerie
Horst {m} [geol.]horst
Horstbildung {f}upthrust
Hort {m}palladium
Hortensie {f} [bot.]hydrangea
Hose {f} | eine Hose | Hosen {pl} | lange Hosentrouser | a pair of trousers | trousers | trousers
Hose {f}pantaloon
Hose {f}pants [Am.]
Hosen {pl}britches
Hosen {pl}slacks
die Hosen anhabento wear the breeches to have the pants on
die Hosen voll habento be in a blue funk
Hosenanzug {m} | Hosenanzüge {pl}trouser suit [Br.] | trouser suits
Hosenanzug {m}pant suit
Hosenaufschlag {m}cuff [Am.] trouser turn-up
Hosenboje {f}breeches buoy
Hosenmatz {m} kleiner Matztiny tot
Hosenrohr {n}Y-branch pipe
Hosenschritt {m} Schritt {m}crotch
Hosentasche {f} | Hosentaschen {pl}(trouser) pocket | trouser pockets
Hosenträger {m}(a pair of) braces [Br.] suspenders [Am.]
Hosenträgergurt {m}shoulder belt shoulder harness
Hosenträgerklipp {m}braces clip
Hospital {m}hospital
Hospitant {m}guest student
Host {m} Rechner am Netz [comp.]host
Hostess {f} | Hostessen {pl}hostess | hostesses
Hosting {n} Beherbergen {n}hosting
Hotel {n} Gasthof {m} | Hotels {pl} | Hotel garni {n} | schwimmendes Hotelhotel | hotels | bed-and-breakfast hotel | flotel
Hotelbar {f}hotel bar
Hotelbesitzer {m} Hotelier {m}hotelier
Hoteldirektor {m} Hoteldirektorin {f}hotel manager
Hotelfach {n}hotel trade
Hotelführer {m} | Hotelführer {pl}hotel guide | hotel guides
Hotelgast {m}hotel guest
Hotelgewerbe {n} Hotellerie {f}hotel business hotel trade hotel industry
Hotelpage {m} Hoteljunge {m} Page {m} | Hotelpagen {pl} Hoteljungen {pl}bellboy bellhop [Am.] page pageboy [Br.] | bellboys pages
Hotelpage {m}bellhop
Hotelzimmer {n}hotel room
Hotfix {m} (schnelle) Fehlerbehebung für Software [comp.]hotfix
Hotline {f}hotline
Hotkey {m}hotkey
Hottentotte {m}hottentot
Householder-Matrix {f} [math.]Householder matrix
Householder-Transformation {f} [math.]Householder transformation
Hub {m} | Hübe {pl}upstroke stroke | upstrokes strokes
Hub {m}hub
Hub {m}lift
Hub {m}hoisting
Hubbegrenzung {f}hoist limiting
Hubendschalter {m}hoist limit switch
Hubgeschwindkeit {f}hoisting speed lifting speed
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