
Deutsch - Englisch


  Entries 25100 to 25200

Infrarotschalter {m}infrared switch
Infrarotspektroskopie {f}infrared spectroscope
Infrastruktur {f}infrastructure
Inganghaltung {f}keep going
Ingangsetzung {f}starting
Ingenieur {m} Ingenieurin {f} | Ingenieure {pl} | leitender Ingenieurengineer (with university degree) | engineers | lead engineer chief engineer
Ingenieurbüro {n}consulting engineers engineering office
Ingenieurschule {f} | Ingenieurschulen {pl}school of engineering | schools of engineering
Ingenieurwesen {n}engineering
Ingenieurwissenschaft {f}engineering science
Ingenieurwissenschaften {pl} Technik {f}technics
Ingwer {m} | mit Ingwer würzend | mit Ingwer gewürztginger | gingering | gingered
Inhaber {m}bondholder
Inhaber {m} Besitzer {m}holder
Inhaber {m} Besitzer {m} Eigentümer {m}owner
Inhaber {m} Inhaberin {f} Besitzer {m} Besitzerin {f} | gemeinsame Inhaberproprietor | joint proprietors
Inhaberaktie {f}unregistered stock
Inhaberaktie {f}bearer share
Inhaberpapier {n}bearer instrument
Inhaberscheck {m} | Inhaberschecks {pl}cheque to bearer | cheques to bearer
Inhaberwechsel {m}bearer bill
Inhalation {f} | Inhalationen {pl}inhalation | inhalations
Inhalationssmittel {n} | Inhalationssmittel {pl}inhalant | inhalants
Inhalt {m} Gehalt {m} | Inhalte {pl}content | contents
Inhalt {m}contents
Inhalt {m}index
Inhalt {m} | Inhalte {pl}volume | volumes
Inhalt eines Buchessubject matter
Inhalt {m} Thema {n}topic
Inhalt {m} Wesentliche {n} | Inhalt und Formsubstance | form and substance
Inhaltsangabe {f}precis
kurze Inhaltsangabe {f}summary
Inhaltsverwaltungssystem {n} Content Management System {n} [comp.]content management system (CMS)
Inhaltsverzeichnis {n} Inhaltsangabe {f}table of contents
Inhomogenität {f} Ungleichartigkeit {f}inhomogeneity
Initiale {f} Kürzel {n} | Initialen {pl} Kürzel {pl}initial | initials
Initialisierung {f}initialization
Initialisierungsprogramm {n}initializer
Initiation {f}initiation
Initiationsritus {m}initiation ceremony
Initiative {f}initiative
Initiator {m} Initiatorin {f} Urheber {m} Urheberin {f} | Initiatoren {pl} Urheber {pl} Urheberinnen {pl}initiator | initiators
Initiierung {f}initiation
Initiierung {f} Veranlassung {f} | auf Veranlassung von | auf jds. Veranlassunginstigation | at the instigation of | at sb.'s instigation
Injektion {f} [math.]injection
Inkarnation {f} | Inkarnationen {pl}incarnation | incarnations
Inkarnation {f} [relig.]avatar
Inkasso {n} [fin.]collection
Inkasso {n} Einlösung {f} Einkassierung {f} [fin.]encashment [Br.]
Inkassoanzeige {f} [fin.]advice of collection
Inkassobevollmächtige {m,f} Schuldeneintreiber {m} [fin.]debt collector
Inkassobüro {n} Inkassofirma {f} [fin.]debt collection agency
Inkassovollmacht {f} [fin.]collecting power
Inkassowechsel {m} [fin.] | Inkassowechsel {pl}bill for collection | bills for collection
Inklination {f} Bahnneigung {f} [astron.]inclination (of an orbit)
Inkonsistenz {f}inconsistency
Inkraftsetzung {f} Verordnung {f}enactment
Inkreis {m}inscribed circle
Inkrementalgeber {m} [techn.]incremental position encoder
Inkrementierer {m}incrementer
Inkubation {f}incubation
Inlandsabsatz {m}domestic sales
Inlandflug {m} Inlandsflug {m}domestic flight internal flight
Inlett {n}ticking
Innen...interior inner inboard
Innenansicht {f}interior view
Innenminister {m}minister of the interior Home secretary [Br.]
Innenminister {m}Secretary of the Interior [Am.]
Innenministerium {n}ministry of the interior
Innenministerium {n}Home Office [Br.] Department of the Interior [Am.]
Innennaht {f}inseam
Innenarchitekt {m} Innenarchitektin {f}interior decorator
Innenarchitektur {f}interior design
Innenaufnahme {f} (Film)interior shot
Innenausbau {m}interior construction completion completion of the interior interior work
Innenausführung {f}internal finish
Innenausstattung {f}interior decoration
Innenbeleuchtung {f}interior lighting
Innendienst {m}office duty indoor work
Inneneckverbinder {m}cross section grille face connector
Innenfeinmessgerät {n} Innentaster {m}inside caliper inside caliper [Br.]
Innenfeld {n} (beim Baseball) [sport]diamond
Innengehäuse {n}inner casing
Innengewinde {n}female thread internal thread
Innengewinde {n}core thread
Innenhochdruckumformen {n}internal high pressure forming
Innenhof {m}patio
Innenhof {m} Vorhof {m}inner courtyard
Innenklappe {f}inside flap
Innenkreis {m}incircle
Innenlampe {f} [auto]courtesy light
Innenleben {n}inner life emotional life
Innenleben {n}insides
Innenleiter {m} [electr.]cable conductor
Innenmessgerät {n} Subito {n} [techn.]bore gauge
Innenmessschraube {f} [techn.]inside micrometer
Innenmikrometer {n} [techn.]inside micrometer
Innenohr {n} [anat.]inner ear
Innenpolitik {f}home policy
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