
Deutsch - Englisch


  Entries 25400 to 25500

Inventur {f} | Inventur machen Inventur aufnehmeninventory stocktaking | to take inventory to take stock
Inverse {f} [math.]inverse
Invertierung {f}inverting
Invertzucker {m}invert sugar
Investition {f} Anlage {f} Kapitalanlage {f} | Investitionen {pl} Anlagen {pl} Kapitalanlagen {pl} | die Investition hereinwirtschafteninvestment capital investment | investments | to recoup one's initial outlay to recoup one's investment
Investition {f} Kapitalaufwand {m}capital expenditure
Investitions... Anlagen...investment
Investitionsabbau {m}disinvestment
Investitionsanreiz {m}investment incentive
Investitionsgelder {pl}smart money
Investitionsgüter {pl}capital goods investment goods
Investitionsprogramm {n}capital expenditure program capital expenditure programme [Br.]
Investitionsrechnung {f}investment
Investitionssumme {f}amount to be invested
Investitions- und Kostenrechnung {f}investment and costing
Investmentfonds {m}investment fund
Investmentgesellschaft {f}investment company
Investor {m}investor
Involution {f} [math.]involution
Inzesttabu {n}incest taboo
Inzucht {f}inbreeding
Ion {n}ion
Ionen... ionisch {adj}ionic
Ionenaustausch {m}ion exchange
Ionenaustauschchromatographie {f}ion-exchange chromatography
Ionenaustauscher {m}ion exchanger
Ionenbeschleunigung {f}ion acceleration
Ionenbeschuss {m}ion bombardment ion irradiation
Ionenbeweglichkeit {f}ion mobility
Ionenfalle {f}ion trap
Ionenfluss {m}ion flow
Ionenimplantation {f}ion implantation
Ionenimpuls {m}ion momentum
Ionenpaar {n}ion pair
Ionenpaarchromatographie {f}ion pair chromatography
Ionenstärke {f}ionic strength
Ionentauscher {m}ion exchanger
Ionisationsdetektor {m}ionization detector
Ionisationsgerät {n}ionisation device
Ionisierung {f} Ionisation {f} Bildung von Ionenionisation [Br.] ionization
Ionogramm {n}ionogram
Ionosphäre {f}ionosphere
Ionosphärenstörung {f}ionospheric disturbance
Ironie {f} | Ironien {pl}irony | ironies
Irrationalität {f}irrationality
Irre {m,f} Irrer | Irren {pl}madman madwoman lunatic moron psychotic nutcase | psychotics
Irredentismus {m} [pol.]irredentism
Irredentist {m} [pol.]irredentist
Irreführung {f}misdirection
Irreführung {f} Verleitung {f}misguidance
Irrenanstalt {f}mental house
Irrenarzt {m}alienist
Irrenarzt {m}mad-doctor
Irrenhaus {n} | Irrenhäuser {pl}madhouse | madhouses
Irrenhaus {n}mental home
Irrenhaus {n} Tollhaus {n}madhouse
Irrfahrt {f} Odyssee {f}odyssey
Irrgarten {m}maze labyrinth
Irrgläubige {m,f} Irrgläubigermisbeliever
Irrglaube {m}misbelief
Irrigation {f}irrigation
Irrläufer {m} falsch zugestellter Briefstray letter misdirected mail letter delivered to the wrong address
Irrsinn {m}insanity
Irrsinn {m}lunacy
Irrtum {m} | Irrtümer {pl} | im Irrtum sein sich im Irrtum befinden | ein Irrtum von dir | einen Irrtum zugebenmistake error | mistakes errors | to be wrong to be mistaken to be in error | a mistake on your part | to admit a mistake to admit to having made an error
Irrtum {m}aberrant
Irrtum {m} | Irrtümer {pl}falsity | falsities
Irrtum {m} Irrweg {m}aberration
Irrtumswahrscheinlichkeit {f} [math.]significance level
Ischiasnerv {m} [anat.]sciatic nerve
Isebel {f} verruchtes Weibjezebel
Isobare {f} | Isobaren {pl}isobar | isobars
Isochore {f}isochor
Isochrone {f}isochrone
Isocyanat {n}isocyanate
Isokryme {f}isocryme
Isolationismus {m}isolationism
Isolationist {m} | Isolationisten {pl}isolationist | isolationists
Isolationshalterung {f} Isolierungsschelle {f}insulation grip
Isolationsklasse {f}insulation class
Isolationskoordination {f}insulation co-ordination
Isolationsmessgerät {n} [electr.]megger
Isolationssystem {n} gegen Übertragung von Erschütterungen [techn.]vibration isolation system
Isolationswiderstand {m}insulation resistance
Isolator {m} Nichtleiter {m}insulator
Isolator {m}isolator
Isoleucin {n} [biochem.]Isoleucine
Isolierband {n}insulating tape
Isolierband {n}rubber tape
Isolierband {n}friction tape [Am.]
Isolierband {n} Klebeband {n} Metallklebeband {n} Abdichtklebeband {n}duct tape
Isolierfolie {f}insulating foil
Isolierglas {n}insulating glass
Isolierhülle {f}insulating cover
Isolierhülse {f}insulating socket
Isolierklasse {f}insulation class
Isolierkörper {m} Formstoffkörper {m} | einteiliger Isolierkörper | elastischer Isolierkörperinsulator | one-piece insulator | resilient insulator
Isoliermaterial {n} Isolierstoff {m}insulating material insulation material insulant
Isoliermatte {f}insulating jacket
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