
Deutsch - Englisch


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Küstengewässer {n}coastal waters
Küstenlinie {f}coastline
Küstenlinie {f} | Küstenlinien {pl}shore line | shore lines
Küstenschifffahrt {f} Küstenschiffahrt {f} [alt]coasting coastal traffic
Küster {m} | Küster {pl}sacristan verger | sacristans vergers
Küster {m} | Küster {pl}sexton | sextons
Kufe {f} (Schlittschuh) | Kufen {pl}runner | runners
Kufenflugzeug {n}ski plane
Kugel {f} | eine Kugel Eisball scoop | a ball of ice-cream a scoop of ice-cream
Kugel {f} Gewehrkugel {f} (Munition) | Kugeln {pl}bullet slug | bullets
Kugel {f} [sport]shot
Kugel {f} | Kugeln {pl}globe | globes
Kugel {f}orb
Kugel {f}sphere
Kugelabschnitt {m}spherical segment
Kugeldorn {m}ball-type mandrel
Kugeldrehverbindung {f} [techn.]ball bearing supported (slewing) ring
Kugelflächenfunktion {f} [math.]spherical harmonic
Kugelgefüge {n}spheroidized structure
Kugelgelenk {n}ball joint ball and socket joint
Kugelgelenk {n}universal joint
Kugelgriff {m}spherical handle
Kugelhagel {m}hail of bullets
Kugelhahn {m} Kugelabsperrhahn {m}ball valve
Kugelhammer {m}ball peen hammer
Kugelhelm {m}ball helmet
Kugelkäfig {m}ball race
Kugelknopf {m}ball knob
Kugelkoordinatenumrechner {m}ball resolver
Kugelkopf {m}spherical printhead "golf ball"
Kugelkopfschraube {f} [techn.]spherical-head screw
Kugellager {n} [techn.]ball bearing
Kugellager-Kugel {f} [techn.]bearing ball
Kugellagerstahl {m}ball bearing steel
Kugelmühle {f}ball mill pebble mill
Kugelpassfeder {f} [techn.]spherical key
Kugelrückschlagventil {n} [techn.]non-return ball valve
Kugelschreiber {m} Kuli {m}ballpoint ballpoint-pen
Kugelschreiber {m}ball pen
Kugelschreiber {m} Kuli {m} Stift {m}Biro [tm]
Kugelstange {f} [techn.]knee-joint bar
Kugelstrahlen {n}shot blasting
Kugeltaster {m} [techn.]ball caliper ball calliper [Br.]
Kugeltopf {m}rounded jar
Kugelwindeisen {n} [techn.]ball-type tap wrench
Kugelzapfen {m} [techn.]ball stud
Kuhfladen {m}cow pat
Kuhhaut {f}cow hide
Kuhhirt {m}cowboy
Kuhhirtin {f}cowgirl
Kuhknecht {m}cowmen
Kuhmaulschuh {m}cow-mouth shoe
Kuhmist {m}cow dung
Kuhpocken {f}cowpox
Kuhscheiße {f}bullshit
Kuhstall {m}byre
Kuhstall {m}cowhouse
Kuhstall {m} Viehstall {m}cowshed
Kulanz {f} | aus Kulanz aus Kulanzgründen | ... geht auf Kulanzgoodwill fairness obligingness | as a gesture of goodwill | ... will be carried out at the firm's expense
Kuli {m} Lastenträger {m} | Kulis {pl} Lastenträger {pl}coolie slave | coolies
Kulisse {f} Theaterkulisse {f} | Kulissen {pl} | hinter den Kulissenpiece of scenery | scenery | behind the scenes offstage
Kulisse {f}wing backdrop
Kulisse {f}motion link
Kulissen schieben (Theater)to shift
Kulissenproblem {n}frame problem
Kulissenwechsel {m}scene change change of scenery
Kulleraugen {pl} Glotzaugen {pl}saucer eyes
Kulminationspunkt {m}point of culmination culmination apex
Kult {m} | Kulte {pl}cult | cults
Kultfigur {f}cult figure
Kultfilm {m}cult film
Kultivator {m}cultivar
Kultiviertheit {f} Feinheit {f} hohes Niveausophistication
Kultivierung {f} Nutzbarmachung {f} Urbarmachung {f} (von Boden)cultivation
Kultschacht {m}ritual shaft
Kultstätte {f}place of worship
Kultur {f} | Kulturen {pl}culture | cultures
Kultur {f} Zivilisation {f} | Kulturen {pl} Zivilisationen {pl}civilization | civilizations
Kulturbeutel {m}toilet bag
Kulturerbe {n}cultural heritage
Kulturgeschichte {f}cultural history
Kulturhoheit {f} Kulturautonomie {f}independence in matters of education and culture
Kulturlandschaft {f}cultural landscape land developed and cultivated by man
Kulturlosigkeit {f}lack of culture
Kulturkreis {m}society
Kulturpflanze {f}cultivated plant
Kulturpalast {m}palace of culture
Kulturpolitik {f}cultural and educational policy
Kulturpolitiker {m}politician who concerns with cultural and educational policies
Kulturrevolution {f}cultural revolution
Kulturschaffende {m,f} Kulturschaffendercreative artist
Kulturschicht {f}occupation layer
Kulturschock {m}culture shock
Kultursprache {f}language of the civilized world
Kulturwandel {m}cultural change
Kulturwissenschaft {f} | Kulturwissenschaften {pl}study of civilization | cultural studies
Kulturzentrum {n}arts centre cultural centre
Kultusminister {m}minister of education and the arts
Kultusministerium {n}ministry of education and the arts
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