
Deutsch - Englisch


  Entries 37800 to 37900

Pfropfmesser {n}grafter
Pfründe {pl}prebend benefice living sinecure
Pfuhl {m}murky pool
Pfund {n}pound (lb.)
Pfund {n} (Sterling)pound (Sterling)
Pfund-Zeichen {n}pound sign (£)
Pfusch {m} Pfuscharbeit {f} Pfuscherei {f}bad job botch-up hash
Pfuscher {m} Stümper {m}bungler
Pfuscherei {f}bungling
Pfütze {f}puddle
PG-Verschraubung {f} [techn.]PG gland
pH-Bereich {m}pH-range
pH-stabil {adj}ph-stable
pH-Wert {m}pH-value
Phalanx {f} [hist.]phalanx
Phallus {m} männliches Gliedphallus
Phagozytose {f} Nahrungsaufnahme {f} einer Zelle [biol.]phagocytosis
Phanerozoikum {n} [geol.]Phanerozoic
Phänomen {n}phenomenon
Phenylalanin {n} [biochem.]Phenylalanine
Phenzyklidin {n} (Betäubungsmittel) [chem.]phencyclidine
Phantast {m}visionary
Phantom {n} | Phantome {pl}phantom | phantoms
Phantombild {n}identikit picture Photofit videofit
Pharmaindustrie {f}pharmaceutical industry
Pharmakologe {m}pharmacologist
Pharmakon {n} Arzneimittel {n}pharmacon
Pharmakodynamik {f}pharmacodynamics
Pharmakokinetik {f}pharmacokinetic
Pharmakologie {f}pharmacology
Pharmazeut {m} Pharmazeutin {f}pharmacist
Pharmazeutik {f}pharmaceutics
Pharmazie {f}pharmacy
Phase {f} | in Phasen | flüssige Phase {f} | mobile Phase {f}phase | phased | liquid phase | mobile phase
Phasengrenze {f}phase boundary phase limit
Phasenanschnittsteuerung {f}phase angle control
Phasenabgleich {m} Frequenzabgleich {m} [electr.]adjustment
Phasenausfallrelais {n} [techn.]phase failure relay
Phasendiagramm {n}phase diagram
Phasenfrequenzgang {m}phase response
Phasengrenze {f}interphase
Phasenshiftverfahren {n}phase shift process
Phasenverschiebung {f}phase displacement displacement of phase phase lag phase shift
Phasenverschiebung {f}phase angle
Philanthrop {m} Menschenfreund {m}philanthropist
Philanthropie {f} Menschenfreudlichkeit {f}philanthropy
Philanthropie {f}philanthropism
Philatelie {f}philately
Philatelist {m}philatelist
Philharmonie {f}philharmonic orchestra (society)
Philharmoniker {m}member of a philharmonic orchestra
Philippiner {m}Filipino
Philister {m}Philistine
Philologe {m}teacher (scholar) of language and literature philologist [Am.]
Philologie {f}study of language and literature philology [Am.]
Philosoph {m}philosopher
Philosophie {f}philosophy
Phiole {f}vial
Phlegma {n}phlegm stolidity
Phlegmatiker {m}phlegmatic person
Phlox {m} Flammenblume {f} [bot.]phlox
Phobie {f} Angst {f}phobia
Phobophobie {f} Angst vor einer Phobiephobophobia
Phon {n}phon
Phonem {n}phoneme
Phonetik {f}phonetics
Phonologie {f}phonology
Phonotypist {m} Phonotypistin {f}audio typist
Phonzahl {f}decibel level
Phosphat {n} [chem.]phosphate
Phosphatanalyse {f} [chem.]phosphate analysis
Phosphoreszenz {f}phosphorescence
Phosphorsäure {f} [chem.]phosphoric acid
Photogrammetrie {f}photogrammetry
Photometer {n}photometer
Photosensibilität {f} Lichtempfindlichkeit {f}photosensitivity
Photosynthese {f} Fotosynthese {f}photosynthesis
Photovoltaik {f}photo-voltaic
Photovoltaik-Anschauungsmodell {n}photo-voltaic display model
Photovoltaik-System {n}photo-voltaic system
Phrase {f} Schlagwort {n}phrase catchphrase
Phrasen dreschento talk in platitudes
Phrasendrescher {m}phrase monger phrasemonger
Physik {f}physics
Physiker {m} Physikerin {f}physicist
Physikum {n}preliminary (medical) examination
Physiognomie {f}physiognomy
Physiologe {m}physiologist
Physiologie {f}physiology
Physiotherapeut {m} Physiotherapeutin {f}physiotherapist
Physiotherapie {f}physiotherapy
Phytopharmaka {pl}herbal medicines
Pi {n}pi
etw. Pi mal Daumen machento do sth. off the top of one's head
Pianist {m}pianist
Pickel {m} Eispickel {m}pick pickaxe ice-pick
Pickel {m} (im Gesicht)pimple spot zit [Am.]
Picknick {n} | ein Picknick machenpicnic | to have a picnic
Pidgin-Englisch {n}pidgin English
Piercing {n}piercing
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