
Deutsch - Englisch


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Polterabend {m}eve-of-the-wedding party
Polterabend {m}shower (for the-bride-to-be) [Am.]
Poltergeist {m} | Poltergeister {pl}poltergeist noisy ghost | poltergeists
Polung {f}polarity
Polyamid {n} [chem.]polyamide
Polyäthylen {n} [chem.]polyethylene
Polycarbonat {n} (PC) [chem.] | Polyäthylene {pl}polycarbonate | polyethylenes
Polyeder {n} [math.]polyhedron
Polyester {n} [chem.]polyester
Polyethylen {n} [chem.]polyethylene
Polygamie {f} Vielweiberei {f} Mehrehe {f}polygamy
Polygamist {m}polygamist
Polygenismus {m}polygenism
Polymer {n} [chem.] | Polymere {pl}polymer | polymers
Polymerisation {f} [chem.]polymerisation polymerization
Polymorphismus {m} Polymorphie {f} Vielgestaltigkeit {f}polymorphism
Polynesien {n}polynesia
Polynom {n} [math.]polynomial
Polypeptid {n} [chem.]polypeptide
Polyphonie {f}polyphony
Polystyrol {n} (durch Polymerisation hergestellter Kunststoff) [chem.]polystyrene
Polytheismus {m} Vielgötterei {f}polytheism
Polytheist {m}polytheist
Polyurethan {n} (PU) [chem.]polyurethane
Polyurethan-Schaum {m} PUR-Schaum {m} | gespritzter-PUR-Hartschaum | PU-geschäumt {adj}polyurethane foam | spray-applied polyurethane foam | polyurethane foamed
Polyvinylchlorid {n} [chem.]polyvinyl chloride
Polzahl {f} [electr.]number of contacts
Pomade {f} | mit Pomade einreiben pomadisierenpomade | to pomade
Pommes frites {pl} [cook.]chips [Br.] French fries [Am.]
Pomp {m} Prunk {m}pomp
Pomp {m}pageant
Pompadourfrisur {f}pompadour
Pomphaftigkeit {f}pompousness
Poncho {m} Umhang {m} Regenumhang {m}poncho
von Pontius zu Pilatus laufento run from pilar to post
Pontifikat {n} (Würde des Papstes oder eine Bischofs) [rel.]pontificate
Ponton {m} Prahm {m} Brückenboot {n} [naut.]pontoon
Ponton {m}pontoon
Pontonbrücke {f}pontoon bridge
Pony {m}fringe bangs [Am.]
Ponyfrisur {f}fringe
Pop {m}pop
Popel {m}booger
Popelin {m} Popeline {f}poplin
Popcorn {n} Puffmais {m}popcorn
Popmusik {f}pop music
Popgruppe {f}pop group
Popo {m}bottom bum
Popularisierung {f}popularization
Popularität {f}popularity
Population {f} Fortpflanzungsgemeinschaft {f} [biol.]population
Populismus {m} [pol.]populism
Populist {m} Populistin {f} [pol.] | Populisten {pl}populist | populists
Pore {f} | Poren {pl}pore | pores
Porengummi {m}sponge rubber
Pornoheft {n} Pornomagazin {n}porn magazine
Pornofilm {m}porn movie blue movie hardcore movie skin flick
Pornograph {m}pornographer
Pornografie {f} Pornographie {f}pornography
Porosität {f} | geschlossene Porosität {f}porosity porousness | sealed porosity
Port {m} [comp.]port
Portemonnaie {n} Geldbörse {f}portemonnaie
Portierung {f} (eines Computerprogrammes)porting transferring (of sourcecode)
Porree {m} Lauch {m} [bot.] [cook.]leek
Portal {n} | Portale {pl}portal | portals
Portalkran {m} Bockkran {m}portal crane goliath crane
Portefeuille {n}portfolio
Portier {m} | Portiers {pl}doorman | doormen
Portier {m} | Portiers {pl}janitor | janitors
Portier {m} Portiersfrau {f}porter
Portion {f} (beim Essen) | Portionen {pl}portion helping | portions
Portion {f} | Portionen {pl}serving | servings
eine Portion ... | eine Portion Eis | eine zweite Portiona dish of ... | a dish of ice-cream | a second helping
Porto {n} Zustellgebühr {f} | das genaue Portopostage | the exact postage
Portokasse {f}petty cash
Porträt {n} Portrait {n} | Porträts {pl} Portraits {pl}portrait biographical profile | portraits
Porträtmaler {m}portraitist
Porträtphotographie {f}portraiture
Portwein {m}port wine
Porzellan {n}china chinaware
Porzellan {n}porcelain
Porzellanaufglasurfarbe {f}china paint
Porzellanmalerei {f}painting on porcelain china paint
Porzellanschiffchen {n}sagger
Posaune {f} [mus.] | Posaunen {pl}trombone | trombones
Posaunenchor {m} [mus.]trombone band
Posaunist {m} [mus.] | Posaunisten {pl}trombonist | trombonists
Pose {f}pose air act
Position {f} Lage {f} Standpunkt {m} Stellung {f} | Positionen {pl}position | positions
Position ermitteln durch Koppelnto ascertain position by dead reckoning
Position {f} Lage {f} Kurs {m}bearing
Positioniereinrichtung {f}positioning facility
Positioniersteuerung {f}positioning control
Positionierung {f} Anordnung {f}positioning
Positionierzeit {f}arm movement
Positionsbestimmung {f}positioning position determination
Positionsbestimmung über Drehwinkelangular positioning
Positionslicht {n} | Positionslichter {pl}navigation light | navigation lights
Positionsmarke {f}cursor
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