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ASCII-Tastatur {f}ASCII keyboard
Askese {f} (mönchische) Entsagung {f}asceticism
Asket {m} Asketin {f} | Asketen {pl}ascetic | ascetics
Asketismus {m}ascetism
Asoziale {m,f} Asozialersocial misfit
Asparagin {n} [biochem.]Asparagine
Asparaginsäure {f} [biochem.]Aspartic Acid
Aspekt {m} | Aspekte {pl} | unter diesem Aspekt betrachtetaspect | aspects | seen from this angle
Asphalt {m}asphalt
Asphaltbeton {m}bituminous concrete
Asphaltschneider {m}asphalt cutter
Aspik {m} Sülze {f}aspic
Aspirant {m} Anwärter {m} Kandidat {m} | Aspiranten {pl} Anwärter {pl} Kandidaten {pl}aspirant | aspirants
Aspiration {f} Behauchung {f}aspiration
Aspirin {n}aspirin
Assekuranz {f}assecurance asecurance company
Assembler {m} [comp.]assembler
Assembler {m}assembly
Assembler-Primärprogramm {n} [comp.]assembler primary program
Assembler-Programmierer {m} [comp.]assembler programmer
Assembler-Programmverknüpfung {f} [comp.]assembler program link
Assembler {m} Monteur {m} Montagefirma {f}assembler
Assemblerbefehl {m} [comp.]assembler instruction
Assemblerbefehl {m} [comp.]assembly instruction
Assemblerdirektive {f} [comp.]assembler directive
Assemblerformat {n} [comp.]assembler format
Assemblermodul {n} [comp.]assembler module
Assemblerprotokoll {n} Übersetzungsprotokoll {n} [comp.]assembler listing
Assemblersprache {f} [comp.]assembler language assembly language
Assessment Center {n} Auswahlverfahren für StellenbewerberAssessment Center (AC)
Assistent {m} Assistentin {f} Mitarbeiter {m} | Assistenten {pl} Mitarbeiter {pl}assistant | assistants
Assistent {m} Laborassistent {m}diener deaner
Assistentenprogramm {n} für ... [comp.]... wizard
Assistentenstelle {f}assistantship [Am.]
Assistentsarzt {m} Assistenzarzt {m} | Assistentsärzte {pl}assistant doctor | assistant doctors
Assistenz {f} Assistenz... | unter Assistenz von ...assistance | with the assistance of ...
Assistenz-Professor {m} Assistenz-Professorin {f}assistant professor [Am.]
Assonanz {f} | Assonanzen {pl}assonance | assonances
Assoziation {f} Sammlung {f}association
Assoziationsvertrag {m}association treaty
Assoziativgesetz {n} [math.] | allgemeines Assoziativgesetzassociative law | generalized associative law
Assoziativität {f}associativity
Assoziativrelation {f}associative storage
Assoziativspeicher {m} [comp.]associative memory
Ast {m} | Äste {pl}branch bough | branches boughs
Ast {m} (im Holz) | gesunder, verwachsener Ast (im Holz)knot | sound knot
Ast {m} Arm {m}limb
Ast {m}perch
Aster {f} [bot.] | Astern {pl}aster | asters
Asteroid {m} [astron.] | Asteroiden {pl}asteroid | asteroids
Asthma {n}asthma
Astigmatismus {m}astigmatism
Astloch {n}knothole
Astraphobie {f} Angst vor Blitzen und Gewitterastraphobia
Astrologe {m} Sterndeuter {m} | Astrologen {pl} Sterndeuter {pl}astrologer | astrologers
Astrologie {f} Sterndeuterei {f}astrology
Astrometrie {f}astrometry
Astronaut {m} Astronautin {f} | Astronauten {pl}astronaut | astronauts
Astronom {m} Astronomin {f} Sternforscher {m} | Astronomen {pl}astronomer | astronomers
Astronomie {f} Sternkunde {f}astronomy
Astrophysik {f}astrophysics
Astrophysiker {m} Astrophysikerin {f} | Astrophysiker {pl}astrophysicist | astrophysicists
Aststumpf {m}snag
Asyl {n} | um (politisches) Asyl bittenasylum | ask for (political) asylum
Asylant {m}person seeking (political) asylum
Asylantenwohnheim {n}asylum-seekers' hostel
Asylbewerber {m} Asylbewerberin {f}asylum seeker
Asylrecht {n} | Asylrechte {pl}right of asylum | rights of asylum
Asymptote {f} Annäherungslinie {f} | Asymptoten {pl}asymptote | asymptotes
Asymptote {f} [math.]asymptote
Asynchron-Belastungsmaschine {f} [techn.]asynchronous load machine
Asynchronbetrieb {m} [techn.]asynchronous processing asynchronous working
Asynchronmaschine {f} [techn.] | umrichtergespeiste Asynchronmaschineasynchronous machine | inverter-fed asynchronous machine
Asynchronmotor {m} [electr.]AC induction motor
Asynchronmotor {m} [techn.]asynchronous motor
Asynchronmultiplexer {m} [techn.]asynchronous multiplexer
Asynchronprogramm {n} [comp.]asynchronous program
Asynchronrechner {m} [comp.]asynchronous computer
Aszendent {m} | Aszendenten {pl}ascendent | ascendents
Atavismus {m} [biol.] Entwicklungsrückschlag {m} Rückschlag {m}atavism
Atem {m} Atemzug {m} | Atemzüge {pl} | Atem holen | mit angehaltenem Atembreath | breaths | to catch one's breath | with bated breath
Atmen {n}breathing
Atemgerät {n}respirator
Atemloch {n} | Atemlöcher {pl}spiracle | spiracles
Atemlosigkeit {f}breathlessness
Atempause {f} | Atempausen {pl}breathing time | breathing times
Atemschutz {m}respiratory protection
Atemschutzgerät {n}breathing apparatus respirator
Atemschutzmaske {f}respirator mask
Atemübung {f}breathing exercises
Atemzug {m}exhalation
Atheismus {m} Ablehnung eines Gottesglaubensatheism
Atheist {m} Atheistin {f} | Atheisten {pl}atheist | atheists
Athlet {m} Sportler {m} | Athleten {pl} Sportler {pl}athlete | athletes
Athletik {f}athleticism
Atlas {m} Atlant {m} | Atlanten {pl}atlas | atlases
Atmosphäre {f} | Atmosphären {pl} | oxidierende Atmosphäre | reduzierende Atmosphäreatmosphere | atmospheres | oxidizing atmosphere | reducing atmosphere
Atmung {f} | Atmungen {pl}respiration | respirations
Atmungsorgan {n}respiratory organ
Atoll {n}atoll
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