
Deutsch - Englisch


  Entries 41800 to 41900

Rosa {n}pink
Röschen {n}little rose
Röschen {n} (vom Blumenkohl Brokkoli)floret
Rose {f} [bot.] | Rosen {pl}rose | roses
Rosenbeet {n}rose bed
Rosenduft {m}scent of roses
Rosengarten {m}rose garden rosary
Rosengewächs {n} [bot.]rose rosaceous plant
Rosenholz {n}rosewood
Rosenknospe {f}rosebud
Rosenkohl {m} Sprossenkohl {m} [Ös.] [bot.]Brussels sprouts
Röschen {n} vom Rosenkohl Kohlsprosse {f} [Ös.] | Röschen {pl} vom Rosenkohl Kohlsprossen {pl} [Ös.]sprout | sprouts
Rosenkranz {m} | Rosenkränze {pl}rosary | rosaries
die Rosenkriege {pl}the Wars of the Roses
Rosenmontag {m}Monday before Lent
Rosenöl {n}attar (of roses)
Rosenstock {m} [bot.]rose tree
Rosenstrauch {m}rosebush
Rosette {f} | Rosetten {pl}rosette | rosettes
Rosine {f} | Rosinen {pl}raisin | raisins
Rosinen im Kopf habento have big ideas
Rosmarin {m}rosemary
Rosmarinkartoffeln {pl} [cook.]potatoes with rosemary
Ross {n} | Rosse {pl} | sich aufs hohe Ross setzenhorse steed thoroughbred | steeds | to give oneself airs
Rosshaar {n} Roßhaar {n} [alt]horsehair
Roßkastanie {f} [bot.]horse chestnut
Rosskur {f} Roßkur {f} [alt]drastic cure drastic remedy
Rost {m} (Eisen, auch [bot.]) | Rost ansetzenrust | to start to rust
Rost {m}gridiron
Rost {m} Feuerrost {m} Gitter {n}grate
Rost {m} Bratrost {m} Grill {m}grill
Rostbraten {m} [cook.]roast joint
Rostschutzanstrich {m}antirust coating primer
Rostschutzfarbe {f}anti-rust paint rust protection paint
Rostschutzmittel {n}antirust agent
Roststab {m}fire bar grate bar
Roststelle {f}patch of rust
Rostumwandler {m}rust converter
Rostigkeit {f}rustiness
Rotalge {f} [bot.]dulse
Rotation {f}rotation
Rotation {f} [math.]rotation
Rotationsdruck {m}rotary printing
Rotationsdruck {m} [textil.]rotary screen printing
Rotationsenergie {f} [phys.]kinetic energy of rotation
Rotationskompressor {m} Umlaufverdichter {m} [techn.]rotary compressor
Rotationsmessung {f}rotational measurement
Rotationsschleuse {f}rotation air shower
Rotationstiefdruck {m}rotogravure
Rotationsverdampfer {m}rotary evaporator
Rotationswärmerückgewinner {m} [techn.]circulating heat recoverer
Rotbuche {f} [bot.]copper beech
Rotdorn {m} [bot.]pink hawthorn red haw
Rote-Augen-Effekt {m}red eye effect
Rote Bete {f} Rote Rübe {f} [bot.]beetroot [Br.] red beet [Am.]
Rote {m,f} Roter [pol.]Red commie
Rotgelb {n} Rotbraun {n}russet
Rotglut {f}red heat
Rotguss {m}red bronce
Rothaut {f}redskin
Rothirsch {m} [zool.]red deer
Rotkopf {m} Rothaarige {m,f} Rothaariger | Rothaarigen {pl} Rothaarigeredhead | redheads
Rotlicht {n}red light
Rotholz {n} | Rothölzer {pl}redwood | redwoods
Rotkehlchen {n} [ornith.] | Rotkehlchen {pl}redbreast robin | redbreasts robins
Rotkohl {m} Rotkraut {n} [bot.] [cook.]red cabbage
Rotor {m} [techn.]rotor
Rotorbürste {f}wheel brush
Rotstift {m} | den Rotstift ansetzen (bei) [übtr.]red pencil | to make cuts (in)
Rottanne {f} [bot.]spruce-fir
Rotte {f} | Rotten {pl}gang horde rout | routs
Rotunde {f} [arch.]rotunda
Rotwein {m} | roter Bordeauxweinred wine | claret
Rotweinglas {n}glass for red wine
Rotweinfleck {n}red wine stain
Rotwild {n}red deer
Rotwurst {n}blood sausage
Rotz {m}snot
Rotz und Wasser heulento cry one's eyes out
Rotzfahne {f} [ugs.]snot rag [slang]
Rouge {n}rouge
Roulade {n} [cook.]roulade roll
Roulette {n} | russisches Rouletteroulette | Russian roulette
Route {f} Strecke {f} Richtung {f} Leitung {f} | Routen {pl} Strecken {pl}route | routes
Router {m} [comp.]router
Routine {f} | Routinen {pl}routine practice experience | routines
Routineuntersuchung {f}routine examination routine physical
Routing {n} Leitweglenkung {f} [comp.]routing
Routinier {m}routinier
Rowdy {m} Flegel {m}yob oaf
Rowdytum {n}rowdyism hooliganism
Royalist {m}royalist
Rubbelbild {n} | Rubbelbilder {pl}scratch picture | scratch pictures
Rubel {m}ruble rouble
Rübezahl {m}Ruebezahl (spirit of the Sudeten mountains)
Rubin {m} [min.] | Rubine {pl}ruby | rubies
Rüböl {n}rape oil colza
Rubrik {f} Überschrift {f} | in der Rubrikrubric | under the rubric
Rübsamen {m} [agro.]oilseed rape
Ruchlosigkeit {f}nefariousness
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