
Deutsch - Englisch


  Entries 47300 to 47400

Skyline {f} Horizont {m}skyline
Slalom {m,n} Torlauf {m} [sport]slalom
Slalom fahrento drive a zigzag course
Slalomläufer {m} Slalomläuferin {f} [sport]slalom racer
Slamdancing {n}slam dancing
Slam Dunk {m} (Basketball) [sport]slam-dunk [Am.]
Slang {m}argot
Slang der kubanischen Immigranten in den USACubonics
Slapstick {m} grotesker Gag Situationskomik {f}slapstick
Slawist {m} Slawistin {f}Slavicist Slavist
Slawistik {f}Slavonic studies
Slibowitz {m}slibovitz
Slick {m} profilloser Reifenslick
Slip {m}briefs
Slipeinlage {f}panty liner
Slipper {pl}slip-on shoes casuals
Slot {m} Öffnung zwischen Groß- und Focksegel [naut.]slot
Slum {m} | Slums {pl}slum | slums
Slums {pl}shantytowns
Slup {f} Schaluppe {f} | Slups {pl} Schaluppen {pl}sloop | sloops
Smaragd {m} [min.] | Smaragde {pl}emerald | emeralds
SMD-Manipulator {m} [techn.]SMD manipulator
SMD-Reparaturplatz {m} [techn.]SMD repair station
Smog {m}smog
Smogalarm {m}smog alert
Smoking {m}dinner-jacket
Smoking {m} | Smokings {pl}tux tuxedo [Am.] | tuxedos
Smokinghemd {n}dress shirt
Smutje {m} [naut.]ship's cook
Snacktheke {f} Erfrischungsbar {f}concession stand
Snob {m}snob
Snobismus {m}snobbery
Snobismus {m}snobbishness
Snooker {n}snooker
Snowboard {n} (Schneebrett) [sport] | Snowboard fahrensnowboard | to snowboard
Socke {f} Socken {m} | Socken {pl} | Söckchen {n} | sich auf die Socken machen [ugs.]sock | socks | ankle sock | to get weaving to cut along
Sockel {m} | Sockel {pl}pedestal | pedestals
Sockel {m}socket
Sockel {m} Basis {f}base
Sockel {m}plinth socle
Sockelblende {f}plinth panel
Sockelstein {m}post-pad
Sockenhalter {m}sock suspenders
Soda {n} Natriumcarbonat {n} kohlensaures Natriumsoda (ash)
Sodabrand {m}soda firing
Sodaglasur {f}soda glaze
Sodomie {f} Geschlechtsverkehr mit Tierensodomy
Söldner {m} | Söldlinge {pl} Söldner {pl}mercenary | mercenaries
Sofa {n} | Sofas {pl}davenport | davenports
Sofa {n} | Sofas {pl}settee | settees
Sofa {n}sofa
Sofakissen {n}sofa cushion
Sofaschoner {m}antimacassar
Sofortabschreibung {f}immediate write-off
Sofortausleihe {f}no-delay lending
Sofortbildkamera {f}instant camera
Soforthilfe {f}immediate aid
Sofortmaßnahme {f} | Sofortmaßnahmen {pl}urgent measure immediate measure | urgent measures immediate measures
Sofortprogramm {n}crash program
Softeis {n}soft ice cream
Softie {m} [ugs.]softy
Software {f} [comp.]software
Software-Anwendung {f} [comp.]software application
Software-Entwicklung {f} [comp.]software development
Software-Entwurfstechnik {f} [comp.]software design methods
Softwarekombination {f} [comp.]mixed software
Softwaretechnik {f} [comp.]software engineering
Softwarewerkzeuge {pl} [comp.]software tools
Sog {m}suction
Sog {m}slipstream
Sog {m}undertow
Sohle {f} | Sohlen {pl}sole | soles
Sohle {f} Talsohle {f} | Sohlen {pl} Talsohlen {pl}bottom | bottoms
Sohlenerosion {f}river bed erosion
Sohlengänger {m} [biol.]plantigrade
Sohlengefälle {n}bottom slope
Sohlenleder {n}sole leather
Sohlmaterial {n}bed material
Sohlströmung {f}bottom current
Sohn {m} | Söhne {pl}son | sons
Söhnchen {n} Kleine {m} Kleiner kleiner Mann | Söhnchen {pl}sonny [coll.] | sonnies
Soiree {f} Abendgesellschaft {f} | Siorees {pl} Abendgesellschaften {pl}soiree soirÊe | soirees soirÊes
Soja {m}soy
Sojabohne {f}soybean
Sojaquark {m}bean curd
Sojasoße {f}soy sauce
Solarenergie {f}solar energy
Solarplexus {m} [anat.]solar plexus
solartechnik {f}solar technology
Solarzelle {f}solar cell
Solbad {n}saltwater bath brine bath
Soldat {m} | Soldaten {pl}soldier | soldiers
Soldat {m} | Soldaten {pl}serviceman | servicemen
Soldatenkolonne {f}column of soldiers
Soldbuch {n}pay book
Solicitor {m} Anwalt {m} (vor niederen Gerichten)solicitor [Br.]
Solidargemeinschaft {f}supportive society
Solidarität {f} Verbundenheit {f}solidarity
Solidaritätsgefühl {n}feeling of solidarity
Solidaritätszuschlag {m}solidarity surcharge on income tax
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