
Deutsch - Englisch


  Entries 51500 to 51600

Tangente {f} [math.]tangent
Tangente {f} | Tangenten {pl}tangent | tangents
Tangentialebene {f} [math.]tangent plane
Tangentkeil {m}tangent key
Tango {m} | Tangos {pl}tango | tangoes
Tank {m}tank
Tanker {m} | Tanker {pl}tanker | tankers
Tankfahrzeuge {n} | Tankfahrzeuge {pl}tank lorry | tank lorries
Tanklager {n}tank farm [Am.]
Tankschiff {n}crude oil vessel
Tankstelle {f}filling station fuelling station [Am.]
Tankstelle {f}gas pump
Tankstelle {f}petrol station
Tankstelle {f}service station
Tankwagen {m}tank lorry tank-truck tanker
Tankwart {m}filling station attendant
Tanne {f} (fälschlich auch Fichte) [bot.] | Tannen {pl}fir | firs
Tannenbaum {m} [bot.] | Tannenbäume {pl}fir tree | fir trees
Tannengrün {n}fir sprigs
Tannenholz {n} | Tannenhölzer {pl}fir wood | fir woods
Tannennadel {f} | Tannennadeln {pl}fir needle | fir needles
Tannenwald {m}fir forest
Tannenzapfen {m} | Tannenzapfen {pl}fir cone | fir cones
Tannenzweig {m}fir branch
Tantalusqual {f}torments of Tantalus
Tantchen {n}auntie
Tante {f} | Tanten {pl}aunt | aunts
Tante-Emma-Laden {m} [ugs.]small corner shop
Tantieme {f} (eines Künstlers) | Tantiemen {pl}royalty | royalties
Tanz {m} | Tänze {pl}dance | dances
Tanzabend {m} | Tanzabende {pl}dancing party evening dance | dancing parties
Tanzbär {m} | Tanzbären {pl}dancing bear | dancing bears
das Tanzbein schwingen [ugs.]to shake a leg [coll.]
Tanzboden {m} | Tanzböden {pl}dance hall | dance halls
Tanzen {n}dancing
Tanzerei {f}dancing
Tanzfläche {f} | Tanzflächen {pl}dance floor | dance floors
Tanzgruppe {f}dancing group
Tanzkapelle {f} | Tanzkapellen {pl}dance band | dance bands
Tanzkurs {m}dancing class
Tanzlehrer {m} Tanzlehrerin {f} | Tanzlehrer {pl}dancing teacher dancing master | dancing teachers dancing masters
Tanzlokal {n}cafe with dancing
Tanzmusik {f}dance music
Tanzorchester {m}dance band
Tanzpartner {m} Tanzpartnerin {f}dancing partner
Tanzsaal {m} Tanzdiele {f}dance hall
Tanzschritt {m} | Tanzschritte {pl}dancing step | dancing steps
Tanzschuh {m}dancing pump
Tanzschule {f} | Tanzschulen {pl}dancing school | dancing schools
Tanzsport {m}competition dancing ballroom dancing
Tanzstunde {f} Tanzunterricht {m}dancing lesson dancing lessons
Tanztee {m}tea dance
Tanzturnier {n} | Tanzturniere {pl}dancing contest dancing competition | dancing contests
Tanzveranstaltung {f} Tanzvergnügen {n}dance
Taoismus {m}Taoism
Tapedeck {n}tape deck
Tapete {f} | Tapeten {pl}wallpaper | wallpapers
Tapetenbahn {f}width of a wallpaper roll
Tapetenrolle {f}wallpaper roll
Tapetentür {f}concealed door jib-door
Tapetenwechsel {m} [ugs.]change of scene
Tapezierer {m} Tapeziererin {f}paperhanger
Tapezierer {m} | Tapezierer {pl}upholsterer | upholsterers
Tapeziernagel {m}tack
Tapeziertisch {m}trestle table decorator's trestle table pasteboard paperhanger's bench
Tapferkeit {f}bravado
Tapferkeit {f} Mut {m}bravery
Tapferkeit {f}courageousness
Tapferkeit {f}fortitude
Tapferkeit {f}gallantry
Tapferkeit {f}prowess
Tapferkeit {f} Edelmut {m}gallantry
Tapferkeit {f}valor [Am.] valour
Tapferkeit {f}braveness
Taphephobie {f} Tachophobie {f} Angst, lebedig begraben zu werdentaphephobia
Tapisserie {f}tapestry
Tapisserieware {f} Wandteppich {m} Bildteppich {m}tapestry
Taps {m} [ugs.]clumsy oaf
Tara {n} Verpackungsgewicht {n} Leergewicht {n}tare (weight)
Tarantella [mus.]tarantella
Tarif {m} Rate {f} Satz {m}rate
Tarif {m}scale of charges
Tarif {m} (Gebühr)charge
Tarif {m} (Zoll) | Tarife {pl}tariff | tariffs
Tarifabschluss {m}wage settlement
Tarifgruppe {f} Lohngruppe {f}wage group
Tarifkonflikt {m}pay dispute
Tarifkündigung {f} | Tarifkündigungen {pl}wage opening | wage openings
Tariflohn {m}standard wages
Tarifsteuerung {f}tariff control
Tarifverhandlung {f} | regionale Tarifverhandlungencollective bargaining | area wide bargaining
Tarifvertrag {m} | Tarifverträge {pl}wage agreement | wage agreements
Tarifvertragsklausel {f}annual improvement factor
Tarnanstrich {m} [mil.]comouflage coating
Tarnanzug {m}camouflage suit camouflage battledress
Tarnanzug {m} (für Scharfschützen)ghillie suit ghilly suit
Tarnkappe {f}magic hat magic-hood
Tarnkappenbomber {m} [mil.]Stealth bomber
Tarnung {f} | Tarnungen {pl}camouflage | camouflages
Tarock {n}tarot
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