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Thanatophobie {f} Thantophobie {f} Angst vor dem Sterben und dem Todthanatophobia
Theater {n} | Theater {pl} | ins Theater gehentheatre theater [Am.] | theatres theaters [Am.] | to go to the theatre to go to the theater [Am.]
Theater ...thespian
Theaterbesucher {m}playgoer
Theaterbesucher {m}theatregoer theatergoer [Am.]
Theaterdirektor {m} | Theaterbesucher {pl}impresario | theatregoers
Theaterensemble {n} Theatergruppe {f}theatre company
Theaterkarte {f}theatre ticket
Theaterkasse {f} | Theaterkassen {pl}theatre box office | theatre box offices
Theaterkritiker {m}theatre critic drama critic
Theaterprobe {f}rehearsal
Theaterrequisiten {pl}stage properties
Theaterschiff {n} | Theaterschiffe {pl}showboat | showboats
Theaterstück {n}play stage play
Theaterzettel {m}play bill
Theatralik {f}staginess
Theismus {m} Gottesglauben {m}theism
Theist {m} Theistin {f}theist
Theke {f} Tresen {m} Ausschank {m}bar
Thema {n} [mus.] | Themen {pl}theme | themes
Thema {n} Themenkreis {m} Themenbereich {m} | Themen {pl} | zu einem anderen Thema überwechseln | etwas vom Thema abweichentopic | topics | to turn to another topic | to be slightly off-topic
Thema {n} | Themen {pl} | das Thema wechseln | vom Thema abschweifen | beim Thema bleibensubject | subjects | to change the subject | to stray from the subject to wander off the point | to stick to the subject
Thema {n}motion
Thematik {f}theme themes
Thematik {f}subject matter
Themenbereich {m}terms of reference
Themenkomplex {m} Thematik {f}complex of themes
Themenpark {m}theme park
Typenrad {n}daisy wheel
Typenschild {n}rating plate
Typenschlüssel {m} (für Bestellung)ordering code order reference
Typhus {m}typhoid
Typisierung {f}typecast
Typographie {f}typography
Typologie {f}typology
Typoskript {n}typescript
Typus {m}type
Tyrann {m} Tyrannin {f} Gewaltherrscher {m} herrschsüchtiger Menschtyrant
Tyrann {m} Tyrannin {f}tartar
Tyrann {m} Rabauke {m}bully
Tyrannei {f} Gewaltherrschaft {f} Zwangsherrschaft {f} Willkürherrschaft {f} | Tyranneien {pl} Gewaltherrschaften {pl} Zwangsherrschaften {pl} Willkürherrschaften {pl}tyranny | tyrannies
Tyrosin {n} [biochem.]Tyrosine
Theodolit {m}theodolite
Theokratie {f} von der Kirche gelenkte Staatsformtheocracy
Theologe {m} | Theologen {pl}theologian | theologians
Theologe {m} Geistliche {m,f} Geistlicherdivine
Theologie {f}theology
Theoretiker {m} | Theoretiker {pl}theoretician | theoreticians
Theorem {n} Lehrsatz {m}theorem proposition
Theoretiker {m}theoretist
Theoretiker {m}theorist
Theorie {f} | Theorien {pl} | Theorie der administrierten Preisetheory | theories | administered price therory
Theosoph {m} | Theosophen {pl}theosophist | theosophists
Theosophie {f} mystische Gotteslehretheosophy
Therapeut {m} | Therapeuten {pl}therapist | therapists
Therapeutik {f}therapeutics
Therme {f} Thermalquelle {f}thermal spring
Thermik {f} | in Thermik kreisenthermal | to circle in a thermal
Thermistor {m} temperaturgesteuerter Widerstand [electr.]thermistor
Thermalbad {n}hot springs
Thermalquelle {f} | Thermalquellen {pl}thermal spring | thermal springs
Thermoanalyse {f}thermoanalysis
Thermodrucker {m}thermal printer
Thermodynamik {f} Wärmelehre {f}thermodynamics
Thermoelement {n}thermal element
Thermoelement {n} | Thermoelemente {pl}thermocouple | thermocouples
Thermofixierung {f}thermosetting
Thermoformmaschine {f}thermoform machine
Thermografie {f}thermal imaging
Thermolumineszenz {f}thermo-luminescence
Thermometer {n} | Thermometer {pl}thermometer | thermometers
benetztes Thermometerwet-bulb thermometer
Thermometersäule {f} | Thermometersäulen {pl}thermometer column | thermometer columns
Thermometerstand {m} | Thermometerstände {pl}thermometer reading | thermometer readings
Thermoplast {n}thermoplastic
Thermoregulation {f} Wärmeregulation {f}thermoregulation
Thermoschalter {m}thermostatic switch
Thermosflasche {f} | Thermosflaschen {pl}thermosbottle | thermosbottles
Thermosflasche {f} | Thermosflaschen {pl}thermos | thermoses
Thermosflasche {f}thermosflask
Thermosocken {pl}thermal socks
Thermostat {m} | Thermostaten {pl}thermostat thermal switch | thermostats
Thermostat {m}calorstat
Thermostat {m}heat governor
Thermostift {m}thermocrayon
Thesaurus {m} Wörterbuch {n} Wörtersammlung {f} Wortschatz {m} | Thesauri {pl} Wörterbücher {pl} Wörtersammlungen {pl}thesaurus | thesauri
These {f} | Thesen {pl}thesis | theses
Thiamin {n}thiamine
Thing {n} [hist.]thing
Thingplatz {m} [hist.]thingstead
Thread {m} [comp.]thread
Threonin {n} [biochem.]Threonine
Thriller {m} spannender File spannendes Buchthriller
Thron {m} | Throne {pl}throne | thrones
Thronanwärter {m}heir apparent
Thronbewerber {m}pretender
Thronfolge {f}succession to the throne
Thronfolger {m} Thronfolgerin {f}heir to the throne successor
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