
Deutsch - Englisch


  Entries 57800 to 57900

Vogelbeobachter {m} Vogelbeobachterin {f}bird watcher
Vogeldreck {m}bird droppings
Vogelei {n}bird's egg
Vogelfänger {m}bird catcher
Vogelfänger {m} | Vogelfänger {pl}fowler | fowlers
Vogelfang {m} Vogeljagd {f}fowling
Vogelflinte {f} | Vogelflinten {pl}fowling piece | fowling pieces
Vogelflug {m}flight of the birds
Vogelfutter {n}bird seed birdseed bird food
Vogelgehirn {n}birdbrain
Vogelhaus {n} Voliere {f} | Vogelhäuser {pl}aviary | aviaries
Vogelhäuschen {n}bird box bird house
Vogelkäfig {m}birdcage
Vogelkunde {f}bird lore
Vogelliebhaber {m}bird lover
Vogelmiere {f} [bot.]chickweed
Vogelmist {m}bird dung
Vogelperspektive {f}bird's-eye view
Vogelruf {m} | Vogelrufe {pl}birdcall bird call | birdcalls
Vogelscheuche {f}scarecrow bird scarer
Vogelschutzgebiet {n}bird sanctuary
Vogelspinne {f}bird-eating spider
Vogelwarte {f}ornithological station
Vogelzug {m}bird migration
Vogelzüchter {m} | Vogelzüchter {pl}aviarist bird breeder bird fancier | aviarists
Vogt {m}reeve
Voicemail {f} Sprachnachricht {f}voice mail
Voile {m} feiner Stoffvoile
Vokabel {f} | Vokabeln {pl} | Vokabeln lernenvocabulary word | words vocabulary | to learn vocabulary
Vokabelbuch {n}vocabulary book
Vokabelprüfung {f} Vokabeltest {m}vocabulary test
Vokabelverzeichnis {n} Wörterverzeichnis {n} | Vokabelverzeichnisse {pl} Wörterverzeichnisse {pl}vocabulary | vocabularies
Vokabular {n}vocabulary
Vokalaussprache {f}vocalization
Vokalmusik {f}vocal music
Vokativ {n} | Vokative {pl}vocative | vocatives
Volant {m} | Volants {pl} | Material für Volants | mit Volants besetztflounce frill | flounces | flouncing | flouncy
Volantbesatz {m}frillery
Volk {n} | Völker {pl} | alle Völker der Erdepeople | peoples | all the peoples of the world
Volk {n} Nation {f}nation
Volksaufstand {m}national uprising
Volksausgabe {f}popular edition
Volksbefragung {f}public opinion poll
Volksbegehren {n} Referendum {n}referendum
Volksbibliothek {f} | Volksbibliotheken {pl}public library | public libraries
Volksbildung {f}national education
Volksbrauch {m}popular custom national custom
Volkscharakter {m}national character
Volksdichter {m}popular poet
Volkseinkommen {n}aggregate income
Volkseinkommen {n}social income
Volksentscheid {m} (über)referendum (on)
Volkserhebung {f} [pol.]national uprising
Volksfest {n} Kirmes {f}funfair [Br.] carnival [Am.]
Volksfest {n}public festival
Volksgemeinschaft {f}national community
Volksgruppe {f}ethnic group
Volksherrschaft {f}popular government
Volkshochschule {f}adult evening classes adult education center
Volksküche {f}public soup kitchen
Volkskunde {f}folklore
Volkslied {n} Folksong {m}folk song
Volksmusik {f} [mus.]folk music
Volksmusikfest {n} | Volksmusikfeste {pl}hootenanny | hootenannies
Volksredner {m}popular speaker
Volkssage {f} | Volkssagen {pl}folk tale | folk tales
Volksschicht {f}social class
Volksschule {f}elementary school
Volksschullehrer {m}elementary teacher
Volkssprache {f}popular speech
Volksstimme {f}voice of the people
Volksstimmung {f}public feeling
Volksstück {n} | Volksstücke {pl}folk play | folk plays
Volkstanz {m} | Volkstänze {pl}folk dance | folk dances
Volkstracht {f}national costume
Volkstrauertag {m}Remembrance Day
Volkstum {n}ethnicity
das Volkstümlichethe common touch
Volksversammlung {f}moot
Volksversammlung {f}public meeting
Volksvertreter {m}representative of the people
Volksvertretung {f}representation of the people
Volkswirt {m}(political) economist
Volkswirtschaft {f}political economics
Volkswirtschaft {f}political economy national economy
Volkswirtschaftler {m} Ökonom {m} | Volkswirtschaftler {pl} Ökonomen {pl}economist | economists
Volkswirtschaftslehre {f} Wirtschaftswissenschaft {f}economics
Volkszählung {f} | Volkszählungen {pl}census | censuses
Vollausschüttung {f} des Gewinns [econ.]full profit distribution
Vollausteuerung {f}full modulation
Vollautomat {m}fully automatic machine
Vollbart {m}full beard
Vollbeschäftigung {f}full employment
Vollbesitz {m}full possession
Vollblut {n}blooded bloodied
Vollblutpferd {n} | Vollblutpferde {pl}thoroughbred horse | thoroughbred horses
Vollbremsung {f}emergency stop
Vollbringung {f} Vollendung {f} Bewältigung {f}accomplishment
Volldampf {m}full steam
Volldampf vorausfull steam ahead
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