
Deutsch - Englisch


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Bauamt {n}building authorities
Bauanleitung {f}construction manual
Bauantrag {m} Baugesuch {n}building application planning application
Bauarbeiten {pl}construction works
Bauarbeiter {m} Bauarbeiterin {f}construction worker
Bauart {f}design
Bauart {f} | offene Bauartconstruction type building technique | open type
Bauartzulassung {f}design approval
Bauaufseher {m} Bauaufseherin {f}inspector
Bauaufsicht {f} Bauüberwachung {f}construction supervision
Bauaufsichtsbehörde {f}building control authority building supervisory board
Bauaufsichtsrecht {n}planning control law
Bauausführung {f}building construction execution of construction work
Baubeschränkungen in einer Zonezoning restrictions
Baubesichtigung {f}field visit
Baubeginn {m}start of construction works
Baubestandsplan {m}as-built drawing
Baubüro {n} Baustellenbüro {n}site office
Bauch {m} Leib {m} | Bäuche {pl}belly | bellies
Bauch... ventral {adj} [anat.]ventral
etw. aus dem Bauch heraus entscheidento decide sth. according to instinc
Bauchansatz {m}beginnings of a paunch
Bauchatmung {f}abdominal respiration
Bauchbinde {f} (Papier)band
Bauchdecke {f}abdominal wall
Bäuchlein {n}tummy
Bauchfell {n} | Bauchfelle {pl}peritoneum peritoneal | peritonea
Bauchfellentzündung {f}peritonitis
Bauchflosse {f}ventral fin pelvic fin
Bauchlandung {f} | Bauchlandungen {pl}belly landing | belly landings
Bauchklatscher {m}bellyflop
Bauchladen {m}vendor's tray
Bauchlage {f}prone position
Bauchmuskel {m} | Bauchmuskeln {pl}abdominal muscle | abdominal muscles abdominals
Bauchnabel {m}bellybutton
Bauchreden {n}ventriloquism
Bauchredner {m} | Bauchredner {pl}ventriloquist | ventriloquists
Bauchrednerei {f}ventriloquy
Bauchschuss {m}shot in the stomach
Bauchspeck {m}belly of pork
Bauchspeicheldrüse {f} [anat.]pancreases
Bauchtanz {m} Bauchtanzen {n}belly dance
Bauchtänzerin {f}belly dancer
Bauchwassersucht {f}dropsy
Bauchzirkel {m}callipers
Baud {n}baud
Baude {f}mountain hut mountain inn
Baudenkmal {n}building of historic importance historical monument
Baudienststelle {f}building agency
Baud-Rate {f} Baudrate {f} Datenübertragungsgeschwindigkeit {f}baud rate
Baueingabeplan {m}pre-construction drawing
Bauelement {n} | ladungsgekoppeltes Bauelement | oberflächenmontierbares Bauelementmodule device | charge coupled device (CCD) | surface mounted device (SMD)
Bauelement {n}prefabricated building unit
Bauen {n} | resourcenschonendes Bauenconstructing construction | sustainable construction
Bauentwurf {m}structural design
Bauentwurfszeichnung {f}design scheme
Bauer {m}grower
Bauer {m} (Schach)pawn
nach Bauernartcountry-style
Bauernaufstand {m} [hist.]peasant uprising
Bauernbursche {m} | Bauernburschen {pl}swain | swains
Bauernfänger {m}con man con artist confidence trickster
Bauernfrühstück {n} [cook.]fried potatoes with scrambled egg and bacon
Bauersfrau {f}farmer's wife
Bauernhaus {n} | Bauernhäuser {pl}farmhouse | farmhouses
Bauernhof {m} Hof {m} Bauerngut {n} | Bauernhöfe {pl} Höfe {pl} Bauerngüter {pl} | ab Hoffarm | farms | direct from the farm
Bauernhof {m}farmstead
Ferien auf dem Bauernhofagrotourism
(armer) Bauernjunge {m}peasant boy
(armes) Bauernkind {n}peasant child
Bauernkrieg {m} [hist.]peasants' revolt
Bauernlümmel {m} | Bauernlümmel {pl}bumpkin | bumpkins
(armes) Bauernmädchen {n}peasant girl
Bauernmarkt {m}farmer's market country market
Bauernmöbel {n}country furniture
Bauernregel {f}country saying
(arme) Bauernschaft {f} Landvolk {n}peasantry
Bauernspeck {m} [cook.]farmhouse bacon
Bauerntopf {m}country casserole
Bauernunruhen {pl}peasant unrest
Bauernverband {m}farmers' association
Bauernweisheit {f}country lore
Baufachmann {m}construction expert
Baufeuchte {f}building moisture
Baufirma {f} Bauunternehmung {f} | Baufirmen {pl} Bauunternehmungen {pl}building enterprise construction firm | building enterprises
Baufläche {f}building area building land
Baufolie {f}construction foil
Bauform {f}construction
Bauform {f} Ausführung {f} Modell {n} Typ {m}version style model type
Bauformvariante {f}style variant
Baufortschritt {m}progress of the construction works
Baugebiet {n} | allgemeine Zweckbestimmung des Baugebiets | Eigenart des Baugebietsspecific land-use area | general function of the specific land-use area | special character of the specific land-use area
Baugebot {n} | Durchführung eines Baugebotsbuilding order | implementation of a building order
Baugelände {n} Baugebiet {n}building site
Baugenehmigung {f}construction approval
Baugenehmigung {f}building permission planning permission
Baugenehmigungsbehörde {f}building permit authority
Baugenehmigungsverfahren {n}proceeding on the granting of permission
Baugenossenschaft {f}building cooperative
Baugerüst {n} Gerüst {n} | Baugerüste {pl} Gerüste {pl} | fahrbares Gerüstscaffolding scaffold | scaffoldings scaffolds | mobile scaffolding
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