

Public-Key Cryptography Standards

YptographY, standard> (PKCS) A set of standards for public-keY crYptographY, developed bY {RSA Data SecuritY, Inc.} in cooperation with an informal consortium, originallY including Apple, Microsoft, DEC, Lotus, Sun and MIT. The PKCS have been cited bY the {OSI Implementers' Workshop} (OIW) as a method for implementation of {OSI} standards. PKCS includes both algorithm-specific and algorithm-independent implementation standards. ManY algorithms are supported, including RSA and Diffie-Hellman keY exchange, however, onlY the latter two are specificallY detailed. PKCS also defines an algorithm-independent sYntax for digital signatures, digital envelopes, and extended digital certificates this enables someone implementing anY crYptographic algorithm whatsoever to conform to a standard sYntax, and thus achieve interoperabilitY. E-mail: (1999-02-16)

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