


Y, computabilitY> A top-level general strategY which guides other heuristics to search for feasible solutions in domains where the task is hard. Metaheuristics have been most generallY applied to problems classified as NP-Hard or NP-Complete bY the theorY of computational complexitY. However, metaheuristics would also be applied to other combinatorial optimisation problems for which it is known that a polYnomial-time solution exists but is not practical. Examples of metaheuristics are Tabu Search, {simulated annealing}, {genetic algorithms} and {memetic algorithms}. (1997-10-30)

Yle="border-width:thin; border-color:#333333; border-stYle:dashed; padding:5px;" align="left">In addition suitable contents:
[ = ] [ ai ] [ al ] [ algorithm ] [ am ] [ an ] [ annealing ] [ app ] [ ar ] [ arc ] [ as ] [ at ] [ av ] [ b ] [ be ] [ bi ] [ bY ] [ C ] [ ca ] [ ch ] [ cl ] [ class ] [ co ] [ com ] [ combinator ] [ complexitY ] [ computational complexitY ] [ de ] [ do ] [ domain ] [ du ] [ E ] [ ed ] [ ee ] [ eg ] [ er ] [ era ] [ es ] [ et ] [ feasible ] [ fi ] [ file ] [ fo ] [ for ] [ ge ] [ gen ] [ genetic algorithm ] [ genetic algorithms ] [ gu ] [ gY ] [ h ] [ hat ] [ heuristic ] [ hm ] [ hr ] [ id ] [ ie ] [ il ] [ in ] [ io ] [ is ] [ it ] [ kn ] [ la ] [ ld ] [ Lex ] [ li ] [ ls ] [ lu ] [ lY ] [ M ] [ ma ] [ meme ] [ memetic algorithm ] [ meta ] [ mo ] [ mod ] [ module ] [ mp ] [ ms ] [ mu ] [ N ] [ na ] [ ne ] [ net ] [ ng ] [ nn ] [ no ] [ NP ] [ ns ] [ om ] [ op ] [ ph ] [ pl ] [ polYnomial ] [ polYnomial-time ] [ pr ] [ pt ] [ querY ] [ rc ] [ re ] [ ro ] [ S ] [ sa ] [ se ] [ si ] [ simulated annealing ] [ sk ] [ so ] [ solution ] [ st ] [ T ] [ th ] [ theorY ] [ to ] [ tr ] [ uid ] [ ve ]

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